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Tom Gruzman
Helping high performing men to meet & date the woman they desire, without neglecting their career, or wasting too much time.
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Maybe your parents are negging you “when will you bring home a girl”, “what about marriage “,
Maybe it’s your boys who already have serious relationships / getting married and you feel left behind
But what messes with you the most is that you see people who are not even half as successful as you being ADORED by their woman, whom you would consider to be out of their league
If anything/everything you just read resonates with you, then I want to share with you something special here on this post –
I’ll hand you KEYS to the vehicle that will help you get your dream woman ASAP
*Really quick: you have to know this first though, that if you truly set your mind and focus on what im about to tell you here,
You will achieve your desirable woman, and it wouldn’t affect your professional life AT ALL.
Because the advice I’ll give you is Bullet-proof and is designed for busy men just like you!
I live by what I preach, and I’m extremely happy. And Now it’s your turn.
So buckle up
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If you want a certain outcome in your life, DO NOT hang around or associate with people who DON’T HAVE IT.
So what if David is your friend from high school? Do you want a similar partner to what he has? if yes, then great but most chances you don’t.
I would recommend you cut your time spent with him immediately -as well as with all of the others
Don’t be a b*tch. no other coach would tell you this so bluntly.
To change your life it takes Balls, Speed, And the ability to ACT despite your emotions.
Cut out all your loser friends & relatives from your life RIGHT NOW. DON’T WAIT!
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If you already hitting the gym, great, work harder then.
If not, start going immediately – sign up NOW!
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You have been misled and lied to, and that’s why you’re not waking up next to your dream woman:
The matrix has tricked you, and you have just been awakened to the bug in it.
It should anger you, you shouldn’t be able to sleep!
Use this energy to build an epic dating app profile, populate your social media accounts, and go out and start approaching beautiful women.
You don’t have time, JUST ACT!
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And use the same social media platforms to create your own content and put yourself out there (photos/stories)
Remember: you don’t have the privilege to think “oh social media is not for me “ this is the world we live in, and these are the tools YOU MUST UTILIZE THEM IF YOU WANT TO STAND A CHANCE
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Hold yourself to extremely high standards.
So that every woman that would meet you would be in such awe, that she’ll think that she just had met a man who is the closest expression to God. – THEY WILL NEVER FORGET YOU
The majority of your competitors are slow losers, but 1 % of them are people like me.
And by the law of hypergamy (women only date up ) who do you think gets and keeps most of the (beautiful) women?
You must become an absolute professional! YOU MUST!
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Leave them on 'read'
If you met her at a bar and had a good conversation, and then she agreed to give you her number,
but then when you text her saying “hey so were going on a date on X “
and she gives you some bs reply like “oh, are we? “/” hmm we’ll see” / ghosts you – DON’T REPLY
Respect yourself.
Leave her bratty A' on read and move on immediately.
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Just make sure you hold steady eye contact and don’t fold under the pressure.
Only dorks who don’t have any substance as real men use “game tactics” or indirect ways to try and seduce women.
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But at the same time offer them such an amazing offer (dates, and things to do on the date) that they would never want to miss meeting you.
I’ll give you all of the best, REAL, hard factual advice for FREE.
The advice that actually work are NEVER sugar-coated
But they only work if you ACT upon them properly!
Yes, you could HAVE IT ALL.
My clients HAVE IT ALL.
All it takes is sacrifice and enduring pain – physical and emotional
but in the long run, it's definitely worth it.
If you read through everything all the way down here, congratulations! it means that you really are serious about transforming your dating life
if you want to learn how you can apply all of what ive mentioned into your own life and start meeting the women you always desired,
Then write in the comments the word "start" or message me directly, and lets see how we can help you get started right away