Tolkien's Vision and the True Meaning of Subduing the Earth
Eugene Terekhin
Houston-based ATA-certified Russian translator and interpreter/VO artist/SEO content strategist/ghostwriter/educator/author. Over 100 books translated. Recommended by Owen Barfield Literary Estate.
When Adam and Eve were told to fill and subdue the earth, it wasn’t a call to dominate but a call to harmonize. When the instruments in an orchestra are not rightly ordered, they produce cacophony, not music. For the earth to sound in accord with God, it had to be ordered. Elements had to be harmonized.
Without the proper hierarchy, Powers wreak havoc. With the proper hierarchy, they create music. The Great Music we are all a part of. Adam was to be a conductor of the orchestra of the world to bring out the divine music — bring heaven to earth.
After the fall, the meaning of “subdue” was skewed. Adam’s descendants took it to mean “dominate.” The music was forgotten. It was no longer about hearing the song of the elements and ordering them into a great symphony. It was about making all the living things dance to one tune — Adam’s tune.
In Tolkien’s The Silmarillion, the Valar came down on Earth (Arda) for the purpose of ordering the elements:
“But when the Valar entered into E? [created realm], they were at first astounded and at a loss, for it was as if naught was yet made which they had seen in vision, and all was but on point to begin and yet unshaped, and it was dark. For the great Music had been but the growth and flowering of thought in the Timeless Halls, and the Vision only a foreshowing; but now they had entered in at the beginning of Time, and the Valar perceived that the World had been but foreshadowed and foresung, and they must achieve it.”
Each Valar was motivated by the love of Music as they entered the created realm. Yet, they didn’t see what they had heard in the Timeless Halls but only a foreshadowing of the world-that-might-be. So, they started ordering it.
“… and they laboured together in the ordering of the Earth and the curbing of its tumults. Then Melkor saw what was done, and that the Valar walked on Earth as powers visible, clad in the raiment of the World, and were lovely and glorious to see, and blissful, and that the Earth was becoming as a garden for their delight, for its turmoils were subdued. His envy grew then the greater within him; and he also took visible form, but because of his mood and the malice that burned in him that form was dark and terrible.”
Melkor wanted everyone to sing to his tune and didn’t care for the Music of Iluvatar. He wanted to raise his voice above that of his brethren and drown them out — subdue all voices unto his voice.
The discord of Melkor disrupted the ordering of Arda. The disarray that ensued was a cacophony — a mockery of the Music.
In our world, diabolos (in Greek, the one who throws apart) is the one who disrupts harmony. Acting through the fallen Adam, he disrupts the ordering of the divine instruments. The elements are in disarray. They cannot produce Music. The orchestra is not playing but braying. The elements can only produce harmony when rightly ordered. They are waiting for the conductor — the second Adam.
“[The disciples] were amazed and afraid, and said to one another, ‘Who is this man? He gives orders to the winds and waves, and they obey him!’”
The Second Adam subdued the elements by ordering them. Harmony sprang forth. The world started singing — immediately. No wonder the disciples were struck by wonder. They heard the Song of the Earth in its pristine beauty.
The role of the conductor is not to subjugate but to hear the song of each element and direct it to where it will produce its best music. Then, the world will transform into a grand symphony. Disordered elements create cacophony; ordered elements sing the Song of Heaven, and the earth becomes “as a garden for our delight.”
Freelance Translator
6 个月Thank you.
Houston-based ATA-certified Russian translator and interpreter/VO artist/SEO content strategist/ghostwriter/educator/author. Over 100 books translated. Recommended by Owen Barfield Literary Estate.
7 个月Thanks, Patrick! I love how John 1 overlaps with Genesis 1.
Home health naturopathic focused nurse
7 个月Part 2 of 2 When we look at the Ancient Hebrew Semetic pictures the story of that word in Genesis 1:28 “VaCabashah” is The creator saying “And use a nail in your right hand to secure the house/tent (of earth itself & all miniture house/tents of all bodies of each creatures in the heavenly fire of light to operate in the Spirit by what comes from awareness & (progressive) revelation. So when we retranslate words in context of the nature of the author of the words of scripture & gather suffficient data to interpret each word, verse, chapter, book & covenant, then we will reach the most accurate conclusions of what the greatest book of all time is telling us.
Home health naturopathic focused nurse
7 个月Part 1 of 2 Thanks for sharing more useful knowledge that is paralleled in the LOTR lore! I love making these connections between scripture & sci fi fantasy. I wanted to share more insight on that word translated as subdue in Genesis 1:28. First we most zoom out from this one word so that we see and experience the nature & essence of our creator. It is essential to 1st know that God is light & God is love as 1st John told us at the end of the book, after we have already felt the presence of the energy of that light and love that emanates out of the being of God. So with that knowledge, we can go back & zoom in & amplify Genesis 1:1 which also says In Times beginning & nature’s origins, Love & Light created the heavens & the earth. Then 1:28 also says “then the source of Light & love blessed them saying Grow then multiply & fill up the earth; be sheep who are masters like God who is a master of love & light, that preserves other sheep & the earth!” The Hebrew word there is Cabashah & means preseve as sheep who rule or reign properly. And when we translate this word numerically, this word adds up in Gematria of a value of 333 that means a sign of God as victorious disciples. So God didn’t tell His people to control negatively.