Tolerant Society Versus Gullible Constituency: Expectations Vs. Reality
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Tolerant Society Versus Gullible Constituency: Expectations Vs. Reality

Paradox Of Promoting Tolerance Through The Tyranny Of The Masses Versus Golden Rule

Illumination publication initially publicized this article on Medium!

Tolerance and the capacity to endure someone, something, and actions without prejudice is one of our time's most publicized and rhetorical subjects. It is the essence of every healthy society, an instrument of peace and prosperity across all spectrums of the constituency.

The human being is a tribal individual. However, despite the innate attraction to collectiveness, humans also construct and adapt the ideals and norms they live and tolerate as individuals. Those ideals set the stage for them to judge, react and even fight any changes they may perceive as threats.

The story behind an idea or action and its pervasiveness to individuals determines our particular vision and missions in life. That story does not necessarily have to be factual. Our threshold of intolerance of a person, idea, or concept is often fictional, even though it may have served us well in the past.

We, as individuals, however, are bound by the rules of our tribes. Tolerance and forbearance fortify our compliance with those rules.

Tolerance is the fundamental necessity of every community that lives by collective conventions. Nonetheless, there is a fine line between healthy tolerance and feeble gullibility.

A healthy society shall live by respect but often fall into the trap of the tyranny of the masses.

A tolerant society demands understanding and patience from all its constituents. A gullible community is the victim of forced acceptance of the norms dictated by the majority.

A tolerant system nurtures "Agency" by allowing its members to act independently within their social space while respecting the "Agency" of others. That is called "moral agency."

Only a Gullible person can possibly believe establishing processes such as democracy will ultimately uphold tolerance within society.

Democracy may, indeed, have some role in promoting tolerance. Nonetheless, if not accompanied by the creation of curiosity, taking ownership of feelings, and willingness to change perspective, it will have a paradoxical consequence.

Healthy tolerance is one within the context of individuality. That is in contrast to intergroup tolerance, which follows the identities given to individuals based on their typical profile, such as religion, race, and political views.

The collective or intergroup tolerance is the fine line mentioned earlier that defines the border between passive gullibility and active “Tolerance.”

Rejecting dictatorship is the core reason as to we must embrace tolerance.

Despite that, we often see across various cultures leaders take it upon themselves to dictate certain traits under the so-called "social right" to deter radicalization and prejudice, not realizing that such undertaking is by itself radical and tyrant.

Radical enforcement of tolerance thus promotes gullible tenets and expects passivity by its citizens.

So the question is: why should a society looking for harmony within its culture enforce fictitious tolerance over promoting independent yet active participation of its citizens to endure others regardless of their differences?!

The answer lies in understanding individual tolerance, accountability, the golden rule, and their responsibility to the immediate society.

Individual liberty is not without the rule of reciprocity.

A tolerant society does not always equate to "tolerant citizens," as the community may fictitiously practice tolerance merely because it is the rule, not necessarily the ideal.

"One of the most recent phenomena of our time is the establishment of 'Modern society based on the rule of law, global exchange, and social tolerance, which not only feeds an unrealistic idealism into the mainstream but may also be more fragile than we can ever imagine." — Adam Tabriz, MD.

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