Tolerable Musings
So high into the mountains and clouds are these ideas of mortality and immortality of human endeavor to grab onto the ultimate healing of humanity from violence, perjury, and beguiling self-interest; market and advertising tend to exploit the same. I sort out my words and try to expel them beforehand from the tar that society structures set up in our minds before any memory can take place. All the Beelzebubs and Bals are sets of words that we weren't able to purge from their meaninglessness. Aversion to pathos and deep diving keeps diverting from us the lost sensibility that keeps gnawing at us nevertheless, trying to claim its rightful place, its Holyland.
I came across an abyss of light yet dark, sorted yet entangled, and artful yet tactless burning critic within, and not all the critique was taken gently by me; I kept choking it and it kept choking me. I have a life of soulless careerist to uphold, a broken pacifist to show off, and love is going to be an unaffordable liability they say. What is this courage that revolts within, dialing all the supervisors on the wrong numbers but wanting to get them through in a sickening gullible way? Priests standing on slippery alters and brides marrying already married. The translations were all incorrect until the language itself started to mean nothing, charming poems lost meter, metaphor, inherent music, color, and image; fell flat, felt flat, and there was nothing flattering about their very existence.
Nothing seems essential or necessary amongst conditioned reality, although its very condition asks for it. Why can't we all lighten up and enjoy the temporary and forget the inevitable one may say but do threats and caveats help or hinder? Isn't dark an ornament of light and vice versa?
Adios meaning! Au Revoir essence! Adieu!