Told You
Eleven years ago, I started composing "Articles" on linkedIn. In those eleven years, I was whiling away some time, waiting to be discovered as a next Noble Prize nominee, with ensuing offers from newspapers and media outlets. Face the Nation. Inside Washington, How To and Why Fors.
I had just retired. Surely, my 500+ connections would carve out time to read and welcome me onto their list of people to "follow." To the five or six people that did so over the eleven years, thank you.
I chose LinkedIn because I wanted to utilize electronic media. Knowledge, I figured, would be something that I could share. I mean, experience was worth sharing with younger folk.
I'm elated to say that my two favorite subjects on LinkedIn over the years were Media and Government. I tried starting a podcast site about 11 years ago. I lost the password and couldn't log in to review my ever growing genius. LinkedIn wanted posts, so I gave them posts.
And now, I'm very pleased to report that corporate media is facing extinction. The internet is where news, The First Amendment and common sense can thrive. People are becoming aware of the biases that controlled journalism.
We now have a "fact checking" ability. If we take the time to educate ourselves, we will be able to unite, and let those who will strive to divide us, follow the way of the Dodo bird.