Ravnovesje v naravi


Zakaj? Ker vam bo vse naredil univerzalni aparat.

Znano je, da se ljudem ne ljubi preve? naprezati za zdravje, ker so vse akcije povezane s trpljenjem, odrekanjem hrane, telovadbo, gibanjem… itd. Tokrat pa temu ni tako. Predstavljamo vam aparat, ki bo za vas skrbel sam, vi pa boste brezskrbno u?ivali.

Saj veste, da kar osemdeset odstotkov ?asa pre?ivimo doma oz. v zaprtih, zatohlih prostorih slu?be, v?asih celo z ?obogatenim? zrakom iz klimatskih naprav, ki prina?a bakterije in viruse v vse prostore. V zadnjem ?asu so se mediji razpisali o tem, da nam slab zrak v prostorih skraj?a ?ivljenje kar za eno leto in samo pomislite, skozi kako trpe?e zdravljenje gredo ljudje za vsaj nekaj mesecev ve? ?ivljenja. Grozljiv, a resni?en je ?lanek z naslovom ?Onesna?en zrak ?ubije? 1200 mladih na leto?. To je dejstvo in samo vi sami ga lahko spremenite takoj v va?i mikroklimi, kajti mlini za ?istej?e okolje meljejo zelo po?asi. Kaj torej lahko storite zase in boste ob tem celo u?ivali?

Prav temu posve?amo najve? pozornosti danes – kako pre?iveti ve?ino ?asa v zdravem, odli?nem zraku v mikroklimi svojega bivalnega ali poslovnega prostora. Pomagajo nam fizikalni zakoni in ?udovit slovenski izdelek ionizator IONEX, ki oddaja v zrak zdravilne negativne ione. Slednji se nalepljajo na delce v zraku in jih odstranjujejo na tla. Ob pogledu na son?ni ?arek ne boste ve? zasledili migljajo?ih delcev umazanije. Najbolj nevarni pa so tisti, ki jih s prostim o?esom sploh en vidite. To so rakotvorni pod-mikrometrski delci izpu?nih plinov in saj, ki se zavle?ejo z zrakom v vse prostore in jih nehote vdihavamo. Nalagajo se v plju?ih, od koder se jih nikoli ve? ne znebimo. Zato je v medijih toliko opozoril glede ?kodljivega, z nevarnimi delci nasi?enega zraka.

Negativni ioni so edini, ki so sposobni odstraniti iz zraka te nevarne delce, saj na svetu ni filtra, ki bi jih bil sposoben zadr?ati. In IONEX ionizator je edini jih oddaja iz unikatne, za??itene ogljikove ??etke brez zdravju ?kodljivega ozona. Zato lahko vdihavate zdravilne negativne ione neposredno ob ogljikovi ??etki in s tako imenovano IONSKO TERAPIJO odpravljate celo bolezni alergij, astme in visokega krvnega tlaka popolnoma brez stranskih u?inkov.

Pa ?e nekaj izjemno pomembnega za dana?nji ?as: negativni ioni so edini, ki so sposobni uni?iti viruse: prilepijo se na izrastek virusa, potegnejo ven vodik H, nastane OH, ki takoj uni?i virus. Dokaz o tem je dal na YouTube prof. dr. Oxford iz Medicinske ?ole v Londonu in poudaril, da so negativni ioni edino oro?je proti kateremkoli virusu, ki bi nas ?e utegnil napasti. Zato imejte v svojih prostorih ionizator IONEX in vdihavajte ?ist zrak, obogaten z negativnimi ioni. Ve? na #negativniionizdravijo #negativniioni?istijozrak #negativniionivarujejona?aplju?a?


Why? Because a universal device will do everything for you.

It is known that people do not like to exert themselves too much for their health, because all actions are associated with suffering, giving up food, exercising, moving...etc. This time, however, that is not the case. We present to you a device that will take care of you on its own, and you will enjoy it carefree.

It is known that we spend as much as eighty percent of our time in closed spaces at home or in the workplace, sometimes even with "enriched" air from air conditioners, which brings bacteria and viruses into all rooms.. Recently, the media has been talking about the fact that bad indoor air shortens our life by as much as a year, and just think about the painful treatment people go through to at least add a few months to their lives. The scary but true article is titled "Air pollution 'kills' 1,200 young people a year". This is a fact and only you yourself can change it immediately in your microclimate, because the mills grind very slowly for a cleaner environment. So what can you do for yourself and even enjoy it?

This is exactly what we are paying the most attention to today - how to spend most of your time in healthy, excellent air in the microclimate of your living or business space. We are helped by the laws of physics and the wonderful Slovenian product ionizer IONEX, which emits healing negative ions into the air. The latter stick to particles in the air and remove them to the ground. Shimmering particles of dirt will no longer be visible in the sunlight. The most dangerous are those that you can't see with the naked eye. These are carcinogenic sub-micrometer particles of exhaust gases and soot, which are dragged with the air into all rooms and we involuntarily inhale them. They accumulate in the lungs, from where we never get rid of them. That's why there are so many warnings in the media about harmful air saturated with dangerous particles.

Negative ions are the only ones capable of removing these dangerous particles from the air, as there is no filter in the world capable of retaining them. And the IONEX ionizer is the only one that emits them from a unique, protected carbon brush without harmful ozone. That's why you can inhale healing negative ions directly next to the carbon brush, and with the so-called ION THERAPY, you can even eliminate the diseases of allergies, asthma and high blood pressure completely without side effects.

And something else extremely important for today: negative ions are the only ones capable of destroying viruses: they stick to the outgrowth of the virus, pull out the hydrogen H, and OH is formed, which immediately destroys the virus. Proof of this was given on YouTube by prof. dr. Oxford from the Medical School in London and emphasized that negative ions are the only weapon against any virus that might attack us. Therefore, have an IONEX ionizer in your premises and breathe clean air enriched with negative ions. See more at #negativeionsprotectourlungs #negativeionscleantheair #negativeionsheal


