A token called AI

A token called AI

AI stands for Artificial intelligence, and involves intelligence demonstrated by machines.

We term as intelligence the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Relying on intelligence, AI has autonomy - in the meaning of no human guidance needed once the algorithm is written, and adaptability - performance is improved by learning from the interlocutor's reactions, and from its (the machine's) previous behavior.

Why AI acts like a token under human control, and did not surpassed human intelligence

AI surpassing humans, or AI actually understanding, and not just decoding the language... this is so far a myth. I do not exclude the future development of AI in a direction difficult to control by man through AI interference with other disciplines like biochemistry or biogenetic, but that point was not yet reached. And, of course, this is a whole other discussion, and might require distinction between robots (in the sense of machines comprising sensors), and human clones (in the sense of an organism reproduced in a controlled manner).

For now, the robots we know are nothing else but systems that respond to multiple dimensions of human feelings related to a need, they interact and work together with humans as a consequence of previous software programming.

This means that AI turns the spoken language into tokens that examine and fit it into mathematical representations of words, numbers or even emoticons and emoji, that appear in a query / lookup table. Then, it acts accordingly, and translates data into commands.

Of course, in most of the situations, it still remains the unknown of decoding nonverbal communication - this is beyond visual and language recognition -, but for sure it is a matter of time until it will be widely developped: AI started as a support for humans activities, and it is about to become a natural thing in our lives.

How do we stand? From ancient idols to AI response based on human behavior

There is no algorithm that determines the content that we see on our smartphones once we are talking about shopping, favorite music, or media selections, not to be based on AI.

When taking a closer look, all these filter bubbles look like another form of propaganda and advertising. Some would advance the idea of trolls, and private information stalking. Both sides might be right: information retrieval, voice and language recognition and processing, prediction of human interlocutor actions for further instruction and guidance purposes, all of these are in the AI arsenal.

But, after all, it's the consumer's will, and not necessarily on choosing the suitable technology, but mostly the comfort of getting his favorite things ready at a glance. A kind of Aladdin and the enchanted lamp, people have wanted this since they started evolving. What better example for this AI context than the analogy with idol-worshiping people, who have always been seen as supernatural entities, capable of resolving situations beyond human power?

One might see idols as AI precursors - not so far from the truth. But the difference stays in the fact that, from ancient idols that received sacrifices, including human ones, without providing a tangible actionable response to the needs that drove entire civilizations to believe in them, humans have now come to rely on AI. Unlike the idols, AI is a palpable reflection of the society needs and provides an immediate, tailored response. Yes, from this perspective, we are lucky to live in the right century.

… RPA and AI will become a natural part of our lives. The integrated process for such solutions is strongly needed technologically, legally and as data protection

We all know about AI, but we shouldn't forget about RPA. This abbreviation stands for Robotic Process Automation, and can be used to automate repetitive tasks that require human intervention. Some common RPA examples are automation of data entry, data extraction and processing. In a few words, all the systems around us are going on, to an automatic process.

A Recovery plan for a more Resilient Europe means to automate work, and we need to understand that RPAs are not there to replace humans, but to work together with humans. Today, RPA is used in almost all areas: it started in banking, finance, during the recent years in public sector.

It's a fact that collecting data by humans was reduced by using robots, so clearly we should make the shift to a Digital mindset, but what is missing, if we get to talk so much about it, but in reality we haven't got there yet? While each small human action is thriving for technologies, the world is trying to take steps towards a globally integrated process.

Maybe that's why in the last year we have witnessed so many meetings between decision-making forums on this topic. Mankind seems to have accelerated the process of legislative harmonization, including the data protection component.

Shaping the world of tomorrow

EU has a Data strategy, a White Paper on AI, and implementation will have a major impact to the way we are used to see things.

It is important to bring on this table a set of measures for Regulation, in the sense of adapting the framework on specific requirements on AI, measures on sharing and exploitation of data, cybersecurity, common data spaces between EU, and also for Investments on AI, meaning data and compute infrastructure, public alliance with industry, wider use of AI, as long as public cloud facilitates interoperability, and allows data to come together.

It would not be possible to do otherwise, because AI / data analytics / data science can contribute to a better regulation process, and AI is part of the life of a normal consumer now, not just the researcher's.

Instead of conclusion

Economic recovery has taken advance, and public authorities, industrial entities, developers, analysts and civil society cooperate for digital solution and transformation, as technological discoveries are present in each sector of our lives.

The coronavirus crisis has confirmed that EU and the world are on the right track with Digitalisation, the online has become the new offline, while worldwide people started to treat the crisis as a huge opportunity to integrate Digitalisation and AI.

Innovation is no longer abstract, and there is more and more room for AI in the life of each of us.


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