??Together we plant a Finixa Forest
Finixa - by Chemicar
High-quality non-paint products for the professional car body shop
We will compensate for the total emissions of our headquarter and for the paper used in our catalogue.
In this way, we will neutralize what we have consumed in recent years.
This is certainly not the end or a final solution, but it is a good start.
Why do we plant trees? For our catalogue, it is simple. To print our catalogue, we needed paper. A lot of paper. This is one of the main reasons why we decided to accelerate our digital transformation, to prevent so many trees from being cut down every year.?
Besides compensating our catalogues, we also wanted to compensate for our emissions. We did that by planting trees. This in combination with the use of greener/ more efficient energy is something that definitely has an impact. It not only offsets our emissions, but it also promotes the lives of wildlife both on land and in the sea, of local populations and of future generations as well.
What is the social, environmental and economic impact?
We are planting mangroves to address different challenges and to contribute to our mission?of greening Madagascar. This project will help a village of climate migrants to have a more sustainable source of income.?Approximately 95% of Madagascar's reptiles, 89% of the vegetation and 92% of the mammals?are found nowhere else on Earth.
Madagascar has had to face many challenges in recent decades and the country is still in a critical situation. 77.4% of Madagascar's population lives below the poverty line,?87% of the population has problems with access to electricity?and only 30% of the population has access to drinking water.
In 2021, the UN set the famine in Madagascar as the?first famine?that is 100% attributable to?climate change. A measly 10% of the primary forest is?still intact. This project will help us get Madagascar back on its feet and the first?climate-related famine.
By planting trees in Belgium, we are helping to solve?various problems.?Act against?global warming,?preserve?biodiversity, improve the?quality?of?water?and?soil, contribute to the?well-being?of farm?animals?or even generate?resources?for?local supply.?This ensures that we make a?maximum impact.??
To offset most of our building emissions and because in Madagascar we help to rebuild one of the biggest ecosystems in the world.
Here we'll compensate the paper that's been used to print our catalogues and offset a part of our building emissions.
Based on our calculations regarding the wood used for paper, we've come to the conclusion that we'd need 500 trees to compensate for the amount we used.
We did this in cooperation with GoForest. Together we planted 2500 trees.?If a tree dies, they will replace it if necessary. Together, we plant a better future.
With our projects we reached 10/17 UN sustainable development goals.
Business & Technical Consultants at Auto Tek Brokers
1 年I use this short clip in all my Finixa product presentations … a profound and socially conscious message . We translated it into Spanish . Tks