You can win any time you’re engaged and believe you CAN win.
Think about this: You may have a very profitable company, financially, but maybe you’re not winning psychologically.
Maybe you’re not winning on clarity, cohesiveness, or engagement.
If you’re winning at profitability, but not psychologically or on engagement, are you really playing the right game?
When you can wake up every day and be excited and have fun, without the day feeling like drudgery, you get to play a totally different game. We support each other and believe in our "Company Values", service, kindness, and engagement with our community. Carlisi Creative Consulting will be there to help the homeless and anyone in need, be a part of the solution instead of complaining. Give our children hope as they march together for equality as we did in the ’60s, civil rights, '70s, end the Vietnam War, Women’s rights and equal pay still ongoing, 80’s, space shuttle and pride for that mission, ending the cold war with Russia and of course Disco Dancing, 90’s with gay marriage and legalizing same-sex marriage in 2004 with lots of push back…thank you Governor Newsom for having the insight to see the importance of this change and policy, when I worked for you to legalize marriage for all. In 2004, Governor Newsom came up with a policy to help the homeless, it was working. When a politician leaves before finishing their job to take another one with a higher stance, it breaks your confidence. This can be fixed because we are all human, not perfect and we can make that difference, we can move mountains, we can change the policies of the Police force without defunding them. We can because if we BELIEVE WE CAN, WE WILL WIN. I remember a long time ago; a wonderful young man said to me “Yes we can” and we did, together. And we all can do it again. #SNAPPINGBACK