Willie T Cobb
Chairman/CEO of GOD'S HOUSE: Rehabilitation Center for the Homeless, Inc.
BUY ME A CUP OF COFFEE!!! Would it hurt to buy me a cup of coffee once a month? I know that there are numerous non-profit organizations vying for your donations so I'll make it easy for you...BUY ME A CUP OF COFFEE!!! McDonald's advertises a cup of coffee, any size for a dollar and what we want is a dollar. Go to and donate $1. Share this message and convince your family, friends, and love ones to donate a dollar. Talk to your co-workers and bosses about our mission. Spread the word that now is the time to not only make a difference, but to finally make a change. There's a dollar in the ashtray of your car. There is a dollar under the cushions of the sofa. I bet that if you check the pair of pants you wore yesterday that there is a dollar in one of the pockets. There is approximately 319 million Americans and I did the math. I think a dollar will do. Can you see it "FOR THE PEOPLE - BY THE PEOPLE". Together we can do it.