“Together Talks” #99: Rawmanticchocolate with Founder, Kasia Bosne
KLS - Klimson Logistics Solutions
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Some Background on Rawmanticchocolate
For today's edition of "Together Talks" campaign, KLS had the opportunity to interview Rawmanticchocolate and Kasia Bosne, Founder. New York based chocolate & energy protein bar makers. If you are looking for some delicious nutritious treats you came to the right place. These chocolates are freshly handcrafted from the purest organic ingredients sourced from all over the world that are simple to pronounce. Fair-trade, dairy-free, lactose free, gluten free. No preservatives, no refined sugars, no artificial flavors, NON-GMO. Full of life, energy and love at the first bite.
They believe everyone deserves good quality life and best nutrition. Therefore it is about uncompromised quality, taste and well-being. Rawmanticchocolate is transparent, and they express that through their eco-friendly compostable clear package. They are compassionate, delightful and seductive.
Fashion to passion
In 2017 Kasia founded her company, but her background did not come in food. Kasia previously worked in the fashion industry. She modeled for some time before transitioning into sales for women's high luxury goods. She joked with us, "I didn't even know how to boil an egg!". But over time being around modeling and the fashion industry she always found a fascination with nutrition.
Kasia described to us her many experiences studying nutrition saying in jest, "I feel like I have a PhD in sugar", including learn this fine craft from masters like Matthew Kenny in Santa Monica, CA through his intensive chocolate course, Amy Levine from RawChef Academy in UK, Natural Gourmet Institute chocolate courses in NY, Institute of Culinary Education Artisanal Chocolate Workshop, and my Health Educator certificate, as well as Raw Food Chef Certificate Level 1, from Hippocrates Health Institute, West Palm Beach, FL
While she was studying she went to a Tony Robbins event. But it wasn't what she learned at the event that would change her life, but what she experienced after. After the event wrapped the event served hot dogs. Kasia had an idea, what if I created something that was better for the guests of his events. She went home and created the first version of her bars. Immediately after she contacted his team and they requested her bars at the very next event in Chicago.
The rest was history.
Kasia made the change from fashion to creating her company due to her determination. After the Tony Robbins event she said there was no hesitation, this is what she wanted to do. It was a huge change to educate herself and learn everything from the start. But as evidence of her determination she shared that she was going to work her hardest and see it through. While it has been the biggest challenge of her life, she shared how rewarding the journey has been.
It started with Kasia making 5,000 bars in her own kitchen and within two days everything was sold out. She took a leap of faith and compares starting a company to giving birth to a baby, "You get to watch it grow and develop". She said her goal is to create the best and most delicious nutritional bar on the market, even more impressive by just receiving USDA certified organic.
Almost the end...
Before the pandemic the company was rolling. Then an advisor got an idea to change recipe. Kasia listened to a few people instead of herself, she told us in her gut and heart she didn't agree with this recommendation. Ultimately she listened to people without experience and proceeded to change both the recipe and packaging.
What ensued was a huge fiasco. Suddenly she quit getting orders, while also not receiving good feedback. Customers were no longer interested, it was like a switch flipped. Kasia said at this point she almost lost her entire company. But rather than giving in, she relied on that determination and perseverance to correct the course of her company. She went back to the basics, focusing on simplicity and her original formula. She said she learned two things at this period of time, "Always listen to yourself and never make decisions out of fear. It is the worst decision you can make." Kasia explained that while this was the biggest mistake, she reflects on it as the biggest blessing.
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Past experiences lead to belief
Relying on her past careers has allowed Kasia to make a seamless transition selling her bars. Starting with modeling she advised us how rejection is the norm, but learning to not take anything personal from it is a great life lesson. At those castings the client has a specific image or talent in their head and she didn't always fit that mold. She translates that to buyers interested in her product. A no isn't always final, sometimes it just means not right now.
With experience in this industry she now understands the importance of fit and alignment. She described it as, "Looking for the sunrise while walking in the wrong direction. It has to be the right time and right place." She reiterated the importance of keeping open lines of communication and growing relationships with potential buyers. Everyone at the end of the day is making business decisions, removing the personal emotion is critical but can be difficult.
Kasia explained how excited and grateful she is to have built a team at Rawmanticchocolate. Coming from the fashion industry it was imperative to create a safe and cultured environment, but also one of empowerment. Creating goals and having a vision for the company that everyone can rally around is what Kasia enjoys most. When everyone pulls in the same direction to advance and grow the company it is the ultimate satisfaction.
Exploring opportunities for continued growth
The future of her company is centered around one thing, customers. Kasia wants to continue to meet customer demands by innovating current products and brining new products to market. She explained that any company can uses the best and cleanest ingredients, but if it doesn't taste good no one will care. She explained how organic growth was the catalyst, "Once the bars were created I started approaching retail stores. Within a week of being on their shelves we were sold out. Then clients started coming by themselves due to the demand."
Kasia believes that it took 5 years to perfect the recipe, she credits that the amazing taste is backed by the cleanest, highest possible organic ingredients. Being always fresh and still crafted by hand shows the level of care they pour into their products. While the CPG space is extremely difficult to penetrate, Kasia gives credit to their customer base for helping grow the brand. The feedback received from customers is and always will be the best for of feedback in her opinion. The goals for the upcoming year are to be in every Whole Foods, nationwide. She also advised that they landed one great distributor recently and are in negotiations with another. Kasia understands that distribution is the key to take Rawmanticchocolate to the next level.
Piece of Advice
Our conversation with Kasia ended with her sharing her pieces of advice.
"Everything is a lesson. Even from negative experiences we can learn. Don't have a pity party. When you are angry or sad, things are actually happening, remember that. A profound moment and good ideas are born out of strength within yourself to keep moving forward. Be very optimistic about the future possibilities.
Today’s world possesses many great opportunities. Those who want to pursue their dreams should go for it. Don’t be so serious and make sure to enjoy the journey. Always be learning lessons, they are abundant. Last, it is very lonely at the top I always questioned this and didn't understand what it meant or how it could be true.
Going through the process, be very careful with people you surround yourself with. Choose wisely to protect your heart. Listen to yourself and your voice. Almost live in your own bubble to not let anyone burst your progress. Preserve what is very special to you and take good care of it in order to build it. Creating fantastic products and building a community, can be lonely but there is a reason for it. In loneliness you have to find knowledge and strength to get there, all that noise around you is meaningless. I'm in the game of making a difference. It is a game because I want to have fun, enjoy it, provide for people, and her family, and is determined to win.
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In Closing
KLS wants to thank Kasia Bosne, Founder, of Rawmanticchocolate for today's "Together Talks" feature. Follow along for the Rawmanticchocolate journey with their social handles below!