Together for a healthy Planet...
Let's do our bit to make Earth the healthy Planet

Together for a healthy Planet...

Once upon a time there was a joyful and healthy living planet called #Earth that sustained various life forms including that of humans.

It gave enough of everything to humans for satisfying their needs. But human race out of their greed kept on destroying Earth to an extent where it started retaliating instead of nurturing.

The trees were felled, wildlife was exterminated, the land and water bodies were mined, carbon-based industries were promoted, and transport needs were met by combustible engine-powered vehicles that polluted the environment through their tailpipes.?Humans continued to exert more and more pressure on Earth in the name of achieving developmental objectives, thus ruining the equilibrium of the ecosystem.

Looking at their doom approaching when Planet started giving back to humans for their misdeeds, few wise men grabbed the reins, took the charge and turned to promoting #sustainableliving amongst their fellow humans.

Soon humans started gracing the #MotherEarth to help her heal by nurturing intimate bonds and investing in her wellbeing.

To do this, Earth's inhabitants vowed to stop their wrongdoings, embrace sustainable lifestyles, and give up anything that might cause Earth to run out of resources, like their reliance on ICE-based transportation.

We at Glida India are establishing the most robust public #electricvehicle #charginginfrastructure to facilitate human transition to #electricmobility revolution for bringing good times back both for humans and the Planet.

If you have been always aspiring to do your bit & contribute towards building a cleaner world, this is your moment to create it! Go for it and just begin.

#Electromobility has a great potential to fulfil your desire for making our Mother Earth healthy, resilient & strong to endure #futuregenerations .

Nurture the growth that is emerging!

Supercharge the Indian electromobility Revolution!

Be the change that you want to see…

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There's no Planet B


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