Together. Celebrate with us!
Greg Wymer
Director of International Student and Scholar Services @ Colorado State University
Some of you who have been following my story know that, 2 years ago, I accepted a position at Colorado State University. Although it was a necessary move due to the difficulties associated with an unhealthy office environment at my previous place of employment, I have truly loved working at CSU. For the sake of those left behind me in that work environment, it is my hope that somehow that situation will be resolved... I have heard rumblings that this may very well be close to happening - unfortunately, the situation hasn't improved in the past two years since my departure. I find it fascinating how damaging one person can be to an office culture - Equally fascinating is a leadership's lack of willingness to do anything about it.
The result?
Good people just keep leaving. Oh well, that is thankfully in my rearview mirror - and not really what this article is about. ??
When I decided to accept the opportunity here at CSU - our youngest son, Benji, asked if we would consider letting him finish his High School in Minnesota. He was going to be a junior and wanted to graduate with his friends. So Amy and I talked about it, and prayed about it and - thought about it some more... and we came to the decision that "we could make this happen." This decision required us to make some sacrifices. Time spent together was one of those sacrifices. Thankfully, due to a couple of supportive bosses, I was able to travel back to Minnesota a few times each year and work remotely for a month (to a month and a half) at a time. While I was grateful for that, this decision also caused me to miss out on the last couple of years of Benji's High School Career. I "tuned in" through live streams for concerts, and mock trial events, and homecoming festivities... but the reality is - I still missed out.
As I think back on the choices made, I think I made the right choice. Actually, I am pretty certain that I made the right choice. For my psychological well-being, it was vital for me to leave my former place of employment. If we moved 2 years ago and we had forced Benji to come with us, he would have survived - but he wouldn't be the same person he is today. Life is so much more than "just surviving." Up until two years ago, Benji has always been more laid back, reserved, maybe even a little more introverted compared to our other kids. Over the past two years, I have witnessed several changes with Benji... he has become more confident, he smiles more, he is more out-going and most importantly he has grown in this faith due to having a youth pastor who really poured into him and invested in him over these two years. I realize kids are pretty resilient and that if we had moved two years ago - Benji would have been fine... but the reality is: he is so much better than "fine" right now. It is fun to see the young man he has become and I have thought on several occasions - yep, it was the right decision to make this sacrifice.
I am grateful for how things turned out. It was difficult. If I had to make the same decision, I would make it again; that being said, I never want to go through that again. Separation from the ones you love is difficult. It has been two long years. (It helped having my oldest daughter MacKenzie join me out here during this time. - Thanks Mick!) Actually, as I think about it, the days were long - but the years were short. In the midst of the journey, time stands still; now looking back, the two years went by relatively quickly. (Life goes by so fast, doesn't it?)
But - We made it.
Benji graduated last Friday and it was a great day to celebrate him - his achievements and who he has become. We are proud of him. Not only did the day mark his graduation, it marked a significant milestone that this two year transition has finally come to an end. Amy and I are back together again in a new house in Severance Colorado and it feels good. As of yesterday, we rolled into town one final time and all that remains is unpacking boxes. She has been a wonderful partner to experience this wonderful adventure that we call life - and we get to experience it together. (Even when we are separated, we are still experiencing life together.) I couldn't have asked for a better teammate. Benji has chosen to attend Colorado State University in the fall, so it seems as though we will get to "recapture" some of the time lost. I am looking forward to him stopping by my office and grabbing lunch with me. I missed him.
It has been a challenging chapter in our lives, but... it is over and we made it through.
Time to Celebrate!
Note: If my articles resonate, feel free to share with your network. If my article has, serendipitously, crossed your feed - and you like what you see; feel free to follow me. There are surely more articles to come... (Comments are always welcome too.) ??
Financial Analyst at City of Visalia
9 个月A perfect ending! Thanks for sharing my friend!
Visa Specialist
9 个月So happy for you Greg. I was in the same position. Hardest thing I ever did to leave a job I loved for 30 years. I too am so happy and blessed that I found my way back to international education and the perfect fit for me. It took me 4 jobs in 5 years but I didn’t give up till I had the right fit. I do miss all my Nafsa friends especially now during national conference. Congrats again to you and your family.
HR & Administrative Professional
9 个月Spot on Greg! I also have witnessed the same in Benji. So happy for you all - it’s all come together nicely, and you are all stronger on the other side! ????
Assistant Vice Provost for International Affairs at Colorado State University
10 个月CSU and our community are better places, now that the Wymer family is here. We just gotta convince the rest of your family to join you!
President - Owner at 6:33 Trading Company Inc. - Sales Rep Agency
10 个月And if Amy and Benji had moved with you two years ago I probably wouldn’t have been in a position to hire her, or even be introduced to her as a possible addition to my team. I feel like this is a new beginning for all of us.