Together Again - #netwalkTO 2022

Together Again - #netwalkTO 2022

Each summer I do a thing for me.

I do it the opposite way it's supposed to work in the usual business world:

  • It's outside, the point is walking and moving our bodies in fresh air
  • It's embedded in nature, trees or water in particular
  • It's free, and I stockpile prizes and surprises all year for those who show up
  • There are NO invitations - I just post it online and leave the rest to fate
  • My primary goal is to meet people from outside my network and my sector
  • There is no committee, there is no consensus, this is my vision and my party
  • I dress in a manner outside my business comfort zone and my words and coaching at the event is the opposite of what we usually hear in the working world and in our own heads: Be practical with your dreams, don't take risks, don't rock the boat, this is your place ( and to push myself, this year featured an intense-cussing Pachino Scarface impression and very niche Transformers leadership joke )

And, for some wonderful reason, people keep showing up. Event after almost ten years.

If you're curious, here are some more deep and detailed reflections from 2021 , 2019 , 2018

There is no serendipity on Zoom

If there was one prevailing sentiment to the group that gathered, that always spans from current students to some executive titans, it's that as we restart our lives and the economy (while Covid still rages in Toronto thank you very much but whatever) we need both human connection with each other and to the earth.

We also need to have human conversations that don't fit in conferences, workshops, webinars - for ourselves!

As usual I recommend a lot of books and resources to those who attend, their focus is always to get you reflecting, journaling, planning and acting for YOUR career and life.

Wishing all those who came, and all those who read this - joy and evolution in your work, career and life. A big thanks to those who support and mentor me, so many of them showed up in love and kindness to the event this year, it is so moving and meaningful to me at a time when I'm still struggling with what our world looks like right now.

This is my small way of spreading some light in the dark in a way I feel strongly about, if I can supporting you in your vision to create places and spaces for you and yours, I'm always here to help.

Keep walking and talking friends.

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Jennifer Harris

Fundraiser | Thinker | Writer

2 年

?? this. “Keep walking and talking”

Tarish R.

Helping Businesses Unlock Digital Resilience Through Data | Splunk - a Cisco company

2 年

This was such a unique event! Thanks for the new experience, Paul -learning a lot from your perspective and stories, so early in my career.

Ann Andrusyszyn, CFRE

Development Officer, New Brunswick Public Libraries Foundation | Fondation des bibliothèques publiques du Nouveau-Brunswick at Government of New Brunswick / Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick

2 年

Great to see all those faces

Rishika Jani

Media Professional

2 年

It was such a refreshing #netwalk. Thanks you for creating this amazing space! Paul Nazareth, MFA-P


Such a beautiful and inspiring post, Paul. Much needed reminder of our need for wholehearted physical human connection. Thank you for being true to your vision which shines like a beacon.


