Making sense of TOGAF

Making sense of TOGAF

The graphic above presents some core terms and concepts of TOGAF in a structured way. Notice that TOGAF draws a logical/physical distinction. That is one of four principles that are widely used to underpin architecture frameworks and modelling languages. This article introduces those four principles, simplifies TOGAF's meta model, and goes on to address some challenges that make TOGAF and related standards hard to understand.

Note: The section "Ten things TOGAF is not" has been moved from this article into this shorter article.

Four principles that underpin TOGAF

This section outlines four principles using snippets from the ArchiMate 3.1 standard (sections 3.4, 3.6, and 5.4.1). It is not an attempt to explain ArchiMate, and the examples are only illustrations, not exhaustive.

From Business to Technology

ArchiMate’s core framework features three layers, defined thus:

  • “The Business Layer?depicts business services realised by business processes performed by business actors."
  • "The Application Layer?depicts application services that support the business, and the applications that realise them."
  • "The Technology Layer?depicts technology services needed to run the applications.”

Architect training should address the architecture layers above (along with data and software architecture) at two levels, enterprise-level portfolio management and solution-level design.

From External to Internal

“The distinction between an external (black-box, abstracting from the contents of the box) and internal (white-box) view is common in systems design. The external view depicts what the system has to do for its environment, while the internal view depicts how it does this.” ArchiMate

The external/internal distinction can be drawn in TOGAF and ArchiMate thus.

  • External:?Business Services, Application Services, Technology Services
  • Internal:?Business Processes and Functions, Application Components, Technology Nodes or Components

External elements (services and interfaces) are realized by internal elements (processes and components). TOGAF defines business and applications services in its Architecture Requirement Specification deliverable as requirements for architecture definition.

A service is definable as a contract for a discrete required behavior. An interface can be thought of as a menu of services from which clients to select. (Note that "service" and "interface" are used with other meanings in IT.)

Architect training should?presume a service-oriented?approach to architecture definition, since you must know what a system has to do before you can define how it does it. You must know the services required before you can define processes to realize them.

See article 3.

From Behavior to Structure

“Structural elements are assigned to behavioral elements.” “In modeling new systems, it is often useful to start with the behaviors that the system must perform.” ArchiMate

Every activity system is a collection of active structures that combine to perform behaviors. The normal practice in system design is to begin by encapsulating the system and defining the required behaviors in one or more interfaces (each operation in an interface is a process). Another way to define the required behaviors is to draw a diagram of use cases (each being a process that external actors play roles in). When it comes to structuring the system there are many design options; some more procedural, some more object-oriented. The concept at the base of the UML standard is the atomic behavior (a process performable without further explanation) called an "action". Everything else in UML is ways of organizing those actions into larger structures and longer behaviors so as to describe and design systems.

ArchiMate’s core framework features three aspects, defined as below

  • The Active Structure Aspect:?represents structural elements that display behavior. E.g. organization units, roles, actors, components and devices.
  • The Behavior Aspect:?represents the behavior performed by the actors. E.g. services and processes.
  • The Passive Structure Aspect:?represents objects on which behavior is performed. E.g. data objects and artifacts

Again, the?presumption is that architects take service and process-oriented?approach to architecture definition. You must know what a business has to do before you can define how it does it.

See article 3.

From Logical to Physical

“More abstract entities are realised by means of more tangible entities.” “[A common] distinction is between conceptual, logical, and physical abstraction levels. Logical components are implementation or product-independent encapsulations of data or functionality. Physical components are tangible software components, devices, etc. The distinction within the TOGAF framework between Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs) and Solution Building Blocks (SBBs) is very similar.” ArchiMate

The logical/physical distinction can be illustrated wrt some concepts in TOGAF and ArchiMate thus.

  • Logical:?Business Functions or Capabilities, Logical Application Components, Logical Technology Components
  • Physical:?Actors, Physical Application Components, Physical Technology Components

Note the concept of a logical component may be aligned with the concept of an interface definition. If a component (business, application or technology) is encapsulated, then it can be defined, at a logical level, in the form of an interface definition.

See article 5 for a longer discussion of the four principles above.

Implications for TOGAF’s EA meta model

The graphic below reshapes TOGAF's meta model in line with the principles above, and with the principles of general activity system theory, in which actors interact in activities to meet aims by maintaining system state and producing outputs. I don't promise this meta model is practical as an EA repository structure. I do say it makes more coherent sense of the concepts than the meta model in the TOGAF standard.

Simplified TOGAF meta model

For research that connects TOGAF concepts in a better meta model, try this slide show? by this analysis of concepts in TOGAF, ArchiMate and other sources?

Capability-based planning?

You can replace function by capability, and process by value stream. Business functions/capabilities can be seen as a logical business components, and functional decomposition diagram or capability map seen as a logical organization structure. Functions/capabilities can be mapped to processes/value streams, to organization units, to applications and anything else you fancy.

If TOGAF and ArchiMate users want to reconcile Capability-Orientation with Service-Orientation, then they can:

  1. present business service contracts as declarative architecture requirement specifications that encapsulate value streams.
  2. present value streams as end-to-end processes – nicely represented in value stream diagrams without overly formality.
  3. present capability maps as equivalent to functional decomposition diagrams in appearance and possible uses.

See articles 3 and 4

Issues: tricky TOGAF and ArchiMate concepts

TOGAF (via reference to ISO 42010) gives the impression that architects draw diagrams only to address stakeholder concerns. In practice, architects draw diagrams to help them understand and verify the structure or behavior they observe (baseline) or envisage (target). To communicate with stakeholders about what a diagram represents, they talk through the diagram. It is a big mistake to assume stakeholders (even other architects using ArchiMate) will share the same understanding without discussion.

The ambiguity of "building block"

TOGAF's chapter on building blocks defines a building block as a reusable and portable component, a "package of functionality", to be defined by its I/O interface. As in component-based design or service-oriented architecture. In other words, a building block is an encapsulated system, subsystem or component.

At some point in TOGAF history, one sentence was oddly inserted into the same chapter, to the effect that every entity in the meta model (inc, goals, processes, locations and data entities) is a building block. Despite this inconsistency, architecture and and solution building blocks are mostly discussed (in the rest of TOGAF) as encapsulated subsystems or components.

See article 3.

Different terms for what are in practice indistinguishable concepts

Some come at EA concepts from the works of business management gurus rather than general system science. To preserve their vocabulary, they present capabilities and value streams as higher-level concepts than functions and processes.

However, the EA tradition is to model functions and processes at the highest possible level of an enterprise. The highest level business processes are end-to-end value streams. The highest level functions are as high as the highest capabilities. A functional decomposition hierarchy stands independently from the organization structure.

See article 3.

Nesting of systems and concepts

Almost any concept in an EA meta model can be composed and decomposed. Since systems can be nested, they can be modeled using the same concepts at any and every level of decomposition (subsystem, building block, function, capability or component) .

Neither standard satisfactorily addresses the recursive composition of architectural entity types, and explains the implications of that for mappings between them. E.g.

  • One high level process can span/require several lower-level functions/capabilities.
  • One high level function/capability can encompass several lower-level processes.

To distinguish?external?and?internal?system elements is to imply the scope or boundary of the "system of interest" is recognized and agreed - early in the modelling process. Yet the perspective may change over time. When considering a local problem or requirement, architects may draw the boundary narrowly. When considering the "big picture", architects may draw the boundary wider than the organization that employs them; it might encapsulate a value stream that starts or ends outside that organization.

The multi-level nesting of external/internal boundaries means that the concepts of an external/internal boundary, the external entity or customer, and an “end-to-end” process are open to interpretation.

The difference between discrete services and bundles of them

The service-contract is the basis for understanding service-oriented architecture frameworks like IAF and TOFAF. In EA, we model discrete-event-driven systems, the same at every level of nesting. However long or short a process is, its entry conditions and exit conditions can be defined in a service contract. A service contract declaratively defines a process - at any level of composition you care to define (from build a house, to book an appointment).

A discrete service is one thing. A bundle of services (as might be listed in an SLA document) is another thing, is an interface definition.

ArchiMate's definition of "service" says "a behavior", but its definition of "business service" omits the [a]. The standard refers to a service as a "unit" of behavior, but it is unclear whether this unit is a discrete event-driven behavior, or a bundle of them (as may be provided by a component or building block) or either.

In UML, a behavior is discrete and event-driven. Similarly, in the EA frameworks IAF and TOGAF , a service appears to be a discrete behavior that leads to a result of benefit/value to an entity outside the system of interest. A service can provide goods (a pizza), information (a train ticket), a state change (shiny shoes), or all of those, to an external entity.

See article 3.

Value stream concept v diagram

A?value stream?is a sequence of stages, each composed of activities, triggered by an event, that terminates in a result of value to some external actor(s). There may be any number of optional, repeated and parallel activities in the stages of a value stream.

There is confusion between concepts and diagram styles. Many terms can be used for a process (e.g. value stream, scenario, procedure, interaction, use case, epic or user story). Many diagram styles can be used to represent a process. Any substantial process, at any level, might be represented in a?value stream diagram.

Architect training?tends to presume a value stream or scenario-oriented approach to solution architecture definition. You must understand the required behaviours (services, value streams, scenarios) before you can assign or define structures (actors, application and technology components - to be built, hired or bought) to perform those behaviours.

See article 4

Mapping the capability concept to others

Whereas value streams?sequence?activities into stages, capabilities impose a simple logical composition structure on the resources need to complete value streams.

A?capability?is the ability or wherewithal to do or achieve something. Here, more specifically, a capability clusters abilities needed to complete activities in value streams.

A capability may represent the wherewithal to perform activities that serve:

  • a goal (a state business wants to reach) or
  • a principle ("compliance to privacy legislation" or "minimize data disintegrity")
  • an outcome (a state a business has reached or might reach) or
  • a function (what a business can do, could do or should do).

A capability can be associated 1-1 with any of the above.

Almost everything said function hierarchies can be said of capability maps. They usually look the same and are used for the same purposes. The ArchiMate standard ducks the debate about interchangeability of function hierarchies and capability maps by classifying business capabilities under "strategy" and business functions under "business architecture".

See article 4.

The ambiguity of the structure/behavior distinction

ArchiMate primarily classifies functions as behaviors. However, functions may also be seen as logical business building blocks. The ArchiMate standard says: "behavior elements such as application and technology functions can be used to model logical components". Similarly, business functions can be used to model logical business components, and appear as swim lanes in a process flow diagram.

See article 3.

Further reading

The references refer to these related Linkedin articles.

Now DAY TOGAF only to get certification , Only name shake EA practice in big organisations . I am not authorised to disclosed name other wise suppose to share their name .

Putcha Narasimham

Founder Proprietor at Knowledge Enabler Systems

3 年

Dear Graham Berrisford, Many thanks for your analyses / explanations. I have completed one iteration of studying them and I will go through more. I have some basic questions and observations and I seek responses for them. 1:. Considering that a system is a set of interrelated and interacting elements per ISO 9000, is not a set of UML Class Diagrams, Process Maps and State Diagrams sufficient to represent an enterprise? Process Maps in principle cover UML Activity Diagrams, UPN Process Maps, BPMN Diagrams, Communication Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, DFD's. 2:. If not, what is missing in them to sufficiently represent an enterprise? 3:. If something's are missing (ref Q2 above), is it not advisable to enhance the three kinds of diagrams mentioned in Q1 to make them more expressive? 4:. Is it not feasible to reconcile and integrate overlapping concepts of behaviours, value streams, services, process maps? One may choose to use different subsets of the modeling features of such a comprehensive definition. Others professionals also may respond. Thanks and regards, Putcha V NARASIMHAM


Mr Graham is legend? I like his post alot as near to ground reality . IT industry is full of people who speak that does not help in reality only nice in talk and paper .



