Todo Lists are Killing Me
Stephen Tovey
Construction Manager, Project Co-ordinator, Site Manager, Marketing & Sales, Businessman
So as I have been trying to explain for a few years attempts to build myself a digital business has hit a few hurdles and dead ends. My initial enthusiasm for the marketing and organising capabilities offered by the digital revolution has been hampered by my inability to get used to the technology. Especially around time management and the setting of simple task lists.
The problem was that as soon as the electronic TODO list hove into view I became obsessed with the idea that finally, some management would come into my unmanageable life.
Like many, salesman paperwork was my big fear...I have sold send them the right paperwork. Now I thought you can program all your projects and appointments and living issues onto one big repeatable list.
This has pushed me to near madness and physical and emotional collapse as job lists became the equivalent of the falling domino problem...all that was apparent was that the work was beyond one man and that once started there was no way to stop all the chips from falling.
Ten years into the big experiment I found my old Index cards from my time on the road...Analog Technology that has been superseded and forgoten....and I started writing five simple tasks for each day...Five priorities taken off the electronic, ever multiplying list, and with my biro in hand recorded them on ancient lined cardboard.
So holding todays task written in old fashioned ink gave me ownership of the job and focused my activity to the most important tasks for the day and also gave me permission to finish...Job Done..Well Done...Its time to finish and enjoy yourself. Electronic might be more longlasting but this is immediate and ToDoable..