Toddler-Proof Your Home

Toddler-Proof Your Home

As your babies grow into toddlers, you notice their curiosity growing more and more. This means getting into things they shouldn’t, touching items that could hurt them, or crawling on unsafe structures.

Every parent wants to keep their child safe, and so it’s no surprise that this stage in their child's life can be full of anxiety.?

Luckily, we have some stress-free ways you can childproof your home and keep your little ones a little safer.?

The first tip is to shop for kid-friendly furniture. You want sturdy pieces of furniture in your child's room that aren’t made of plastic and could easily be tipped over or broken. Anchor any furniture you already have to the floor or wall to keep it from tipping over. You also want to choose furniture that doesn’t contain toxic materials, especially if the item is a bed or mattress.?

Cover all plugs, doorknobs, and window locks. Toddlers love getting into cabinets and drawers, but oftentimes, these cabinets contain items that could be dangerous for them. Putting child locks on these items is an easy way to protect them.?

Lastly, wrap up any loose wires and hide them where your little one can't get to.?

Toddler-proofing your home doesn’t need to be stressful. Hopefully, these resources will help you feel more at ease keeping your little one safe.?

Additional Resources:

If you want ideas to keep your kids entertained this summer, download our app MOTOR PLANit! We provide daily developmental activities for kids and families to enjoy together.?

Give it a try!?

App Store ??

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