Todays Useless Knowledge & it’s Usefulness
When I was more of a Scientist than now...

Todays Useless Knowledge & it’s Usefulness

It is not often you meet someone and they introduce themselves as a scientist in Africa. I think it simply isn’t cool, and when people introduce themselves as researchers it is often in some rural development or if lucky Agriculture. I think I am generalizing somewhat but entertain my simplification today. I have quickly looked at some business cards and not one Says Chief Scientist or something along those lines.

I read an old article I hope LinkedIn will allow me to post it. ?Usefulness of Useless Knowledge it was published by Harpers, issue 179, June/November 1939…

I think there is a lot of relevance in this read as we all make amazing contributions to the world “ well at least I believe I do” that at the time have really not functional value. I often find myself frustrated when in 1 year I put a lot off energy explain and pushing a certain concept or agenda and for the life in everyone around me they simply don’t get it. Then you hear the same people 12months – 6years down the line fully vested in the concept and owning and you look like a “liar or nut case”…. And you are like is this the same person that was a non believer/hater/IdeaKiller and today every other second word is “praise the lord” or “astaghfirullah” ?and that was why at some point I used to say “I am a Technology or Digital Evangelist & I am seeking/build congregations & flock for the agenda”…. In Islam there is a distinction between Nabi & Rasool – Not all Iconic people in the Quran were both Nabi & Rasool (a topic for another day)…

I believe putting religion aside there are a lot of Rasools in the scientific field, those that came specifically to bring about a certain change or revelation that then transforms humankind. And at a spiritual level the article speaks to scientist & people in this manner that in my opinion brought or are bringing on significant change that if it were in biblical terms would be even above sainthood.

?Organization often see the value of discovery & innovation to late and sadly like humans they seek external validation. No different than those that disbelieved Nabi Issa or Nabi Mohamed, yet today millions of people follow these Prophets & Messengers of God. But, there is also the disconnect which is very well articulated in this article that Our motivation as scientist is sometimes very different than the motivation of those who will practically apply the discovery & credit will not being give to those that actually did the actual work ( I found this comforting). No different than the Motivation of Nabi Issa during his time, he was not trying to create a new segment of his religion he was merely trying to resolve the problems within the region he was born into. I often say when I complain to Mywife & loved ones I might not make money from it but I have done my part ensure someone else does and their family doesn’t go hungry so what if it taken from me.

?Read the article for yourself:?Harpers, issue 179, June/November 1939, THE USEFULNESS OF USELESS KNOWLEDGE

Waridi Valentine, MPS

Design Operations Manager at Verizon Wireless

3 年

Tech OG


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