Today's Shankaracharyas
Today's Shankaracharyas are the Shankaracharya of the 80s, that is, they were ?recognized as Shankaracharya after 1980. Today's Shankaracharyas have a deep connection with controversies. Today's Shankaracharyas were sent to? jail on serious charges. Some of today's Shankaracharyas are Congressmen and some are BJP! Some Shankaracharya slaps the journalist, while one he is a victim of police excesses. One is arrested and other claims to have 3 eyes like Shiva and threaten to destroy the world. Some say that I am the head of all the four Peeths, then some claim that Adi Shankaracharya did established the fifth Peeth!! From time to time their dispute reached the court and the court refused to accept both the claimant and the complainant i.e. Shankaracharya and suggested that a recognized institution like Kashi Vidvat Parishad and Bharat Dharm Mahamandal, Kashi should decide who is the real Shankaracharya? Many Shankaracharyas of today have self-proclaimed themselves by violating the rules directed in "Mathamanaya Mahanushasanam" and without Pattabhisheka. Some ridiculous claims have been made by one Shakracharya - such as he is the greatest mathematician of this century, when he has neither done any research nor received any recognition for his research. Many of his claims like he has the third eye of Shiva, many weapons and weapons have been given to him directly by God - these make Sanatan tradition and Hindu religion the object of ridicule and mockery. ??According to Rajendran v State Government of Tamil Nadu and others dated 27 June 1984, the Kanchi Kamkothi Peeth Math did not exist till 1942. Kumbakonam Math was renamed as Kanchi Math. The Kanchi Math is false and fabricated which is being promoted by Smarta Brahmins since 1814. This Math is not established by Adi Shankaracharya. To put it in a pure and simple tone, this is a betrayal of Hindu religion, completely fraud. In another legal dispute, according to Swami Parmanand Saraswati Vs. Ramji Tripathi et al. 21st August, 1974- The existence of Jyotir Math Peeth was unknown to the public for centuries and even the place where the monastery stood, in 1940 a society called Bharat Dharma Mahamandal Kashi tried to find the monastery and the effort proved successful. The remains were found near Badrikashram. The land on which the remains were found was acquired by the Society along with some other property. The Society made a settlement of the land on April 11, 1941 by a deed in favor of Jyotir Math. Swami Brahmananda Saraswati was installed as the head of the Math. One thing needs to be clarified here that since the salvation of this Math was done by Bharat Dharma Mahamandal, the people of this institution as Shankaracharya authorized Swami Brahmananda Saraswati as the head of the Math and started a new tradition. After the death of Swami Swaroopanand, ?Swami Avimukteshwaranand ji was declared Shankracharya in hurry by the secretary of Swami Swarupanand as the head of Jyotishpeeth Badrinath and Shankracharya without following any norms or traditions. He beomes the Shankaracharya, no debate, no rituals and without following any Shastriya tradition. ?Swami Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati, who was made Shankaracharya of Jyotishpeeth, has a deep connection with Varanasi. He had declared himself as Shankaracharya long back. During the Samajwadi Party government, he and his devotees were beaten up badly by the Uttar Pradesh Police. In 2017, the Allahabad High Court had given its verdict on the ongoing dispute between Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati and Swami Vasudevanand Saraswati over the title of Shankaracharya of Badrikashram. The Allahabad High Court, while giving its verdict regarding the Jyotish bench, refused to accept both as Shankaracharya. The tradition was not followed in the case of? Swami Nischalananda too! There was no pattabhishek, no shastrarth, no formal declaration and aslo The Puri Mutt has had 144 Shankaracharyas and all of them held the Devatirtha title. Even the previous Shakracharya was Niranjan Devatirtha. Swami Nischalananda is only a Saraswati.? Agni akhara called Puri Shankaracharya Nischalananda ji "BHASMASUR". Swami Sahajanand was also offered the post of Shankaracharya but he rejected it. He believed that a meaningful life is bigger than a successful life. Swamiji taught Gita to Jawaharlal Nehru. He said that Shri Sitaram Ashram is a symbol of revolution. In the political field, Bharat Sadhu Samaj is an organization of saints from all sects and religions of Indian ideology. This institution was established in 1956. The organization of this institution was conceived by the first President Deshratna Dr Rajendra Prasad and the then Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Thus began the tradition of political Shankaracharyas. Swami Harinarayananda was the General Secretary of this institution for life. People of Akshardham and Sivanand Mission also joined this organization. Adi Shankaracharya is the substitute of Advaita tradition, while Swami Vivekananda, Swami Sahajanand Saraswati, Swami Chinmayanand, Mata Amritanandamayi are its patrons and promoters, not the so-called Shankaracharyas of the post-1980s. Like Shankaracharyas, Jagadguru Ramanand Acharya's Peeth is in Kashi. Four Jagadguru Ramanand Acharyas sit on this Peeth. They are Jagadguru Ramanareshacharya, Jagadguru Hansdevacharya, Jagadguru Ayodhyacharya and Ramdharacharya Today the need is that all religious leaders, whether they are Advait, Dvait, Vaishnava, Shakta or Shaiva – give up their prejudices and join for man making,? character building and re-glorification of the nation – Eliminate discrimination, sense of unity Evolve, Protect Eternal!
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The first non-Brahmin Shankaracharya
The religious heads of the mutts (matams) founded by Adi Shankara are called Shankaracharyas. Anyone can apply to become a Sanyasi. Among the Sanyasis, one is chosen to be a Shankaracharya. Traditionally, these are people who are well versed in the Hindu scriptures and volunteer for Sanyasam (renunciation) to become a monk.
Upon Sanyasam, all varna/jati/caste attributes are discarded. This includes the sacred threads, if they were being worn before Sanyasam. This means that Sanyasis including Shankaracharyas in the Advaita Sampradaya (tradition) can't be called as Brahmins (if one assumes that Brahmins are by birth, rather than the scriptural definition of one who knows Brahman).
But have there been any non-Brahmins (by birth) who have become Shankaracharyas? It turns out, yes. The first one was Totakacharya who was in the first lineage after Adi Shankara. Who was Totakacharya?
In Sringeri, Adi Shankara met a boy named Giri. He was a devoted disciple of Shankara. He was not knowledgeable in the scriptures. But he was happy in just serving his Guru without expecting anything in return.
Adi Shankara, however, would ensure that Giri was present in his discourses, though Giri wouldn't understand it.
One day, Adi Shankara was waiting for Giri to commence his discourse. Giri was busy washing his Guru's clothes in the river. Padmapada, another sishya (disciple) of Shankara, was devout, but also a learned Pandit in all the scriptures before he joined Shankara. Impatient for the discourse, he pointed to a wall, indicating that it was no use for Shankara to wait for Giri, and that his discourse to Giri was equivalent to giving it to a wall.
At this point, Giri, who was washing the clothes, was endowed with all scriptural knowledge. He immediately came over to Shankara, and sang his praises as eight slokas as Totaka (laghu, lagu, guru) syllables in the highest Sanskrit. These verses are in praise of Shankara, his Guru, for endowing him with the wisdom. From this point, he was called as Totakacharya. Interestingly, Shankara didn't use a physical Deeksha (initiating touch); just compassionate thoughts acted as a Deeksha & endowed Giri with wisdom. Also, the ego remnants of Padmapada was subtly driven away, which is what a Guru would do. (Ego is one of the last veils over the soul).
Totakacharya later condensed the teachings of the Upanishads as Totaka syllables as Shruti Saara Samudhram (Shrutis-Vedas-essence-ocean). Totakacharya was the first Madathipathi (mutt head) of Joytirmath in Uttarkhand. Interestingly, one of the Swami sects of Hinduism is called Giri. Some of the Giri Swamis do trace lineage to Giri/Totakacharya. Some recent examples of the Giri sect are Paramahamsa Yogananada Giri, disciple of Yukteshwar Giri and Haridas Giri, disciple of Jnanananda Giri. Yogananda & Haridas had deep reverence for their respective Gurus. The preachings combine self-realization (meditation) with Bhakthi (devotion) towards God & Guru.
Posted by ??????????? at 7:33 PM