Today we see a momentary obstruction to the path where the way of the great is blocked by the small.

This is a not an advantageous time for those who are realised, it’s a time where the small press forward. In this time, we must be wary of any gifts containing hidden agendas, and maintain the importance of being in a safe space.

We’re now in interesting times where the structure of things has collapsed.

It’s important not to act aggressively in this time because fate will again open the way. You are the one who is in the right place and time to open things once more. As the quarrels of the past flee, new friends and allies appear.

Use your power wisely and carefully and stay true to your principles, strength of character and integrity.

Watch out for bad words from people of no worth attempting to damage your good standing. The rise of the petty and the small is currently impeding your ability to immediately realise your plans and what’s important. But stay hidden, continue to keep your plans secret and be patient.

What’s happening is that the very small people are opposing the will of Heaven with their bad faith, bad omens, negative assertions and bad words, and the realised one must wait for the spring thaw which must come.

Don’t fear - this time will truly pass also.

Continue to clarify your purpose, speak what’s true and keep planting the seeds of the new as the stagnant way of the old will eventually need to be sacrificed in order for new growth to flourish on fertile ground.

Let your energy grow, have no fear and rest assured that success will be yours

(inspired by the I Ching)

#todaysmessage #wayblocked #smallobstruct #pettyandmeanminded #greatand #realisedneedpatience #disapproval #badwords #reputationandstanding #keepthefaith #oldlustgo #forthenewgrowthtoflourish #restassured #successwillbeyours


