In Today's Iran Daily Summary

In Today's Iran Daily Summary

In today’s Daily Summary:

  • Nezam Feeding Ideological Beast!: As the anniversary of the revolution approaches, Friday prayer leaders—the megaphones of the Nezam—are increasingly highlighting its ideological nature. Toward this end, they are using fuel from European action against the IRGC, the desecration of the Quran, and the insult to the supreme leader from cartoonists.
  • Azerbaijan Embassy Attack Exacerbates Tehran-Baku Tension: While Iran insists that “personal motives” were behind the fatal shooting at the Azerbaijani embassy in Tehran, the Republic of Azerbaijan officials are calling it a terrorist attack and portraying it as a sign of Iran’s continued “hostility” toward its northern neighbor.

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  • Numbers Reveal Rise in Iran’s Non-oil Exports: Findings on global trade from the World Economic Forum show Iran among the eight countries ranked lowest in export performance in the last six months, but Iranian government officials claimed a rise in non-oil exports in the first 10 months of the Persian calendar year. They may be right. However, the rise in the country’s non-oil exports could simply be a consequence of the free fall of the rial, which makes Iran’s export goods more attractive to foreign buyers.
  • Clerics, Pundits Warn about Dire Consequences of Rising Poverty: Iran’s senior clerics and political pundits are warning about distressing conditions in 1402 due to an increase in poverty caused by oppression, unemployment, and political discrimination in the country. Such conditions, they worry, could lead to revolution. Pundits doubted authorities would listen to the voices advocating for the people, but spoke up for them nonetheless.

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