My ancestors are turning in their graves. A few days ago, the Police executed a brother; with sixty bullets, the officer in charge had to call a cease-fire. Nothing has changed. Please explain under what circumstances a police officer has the right to shoot a person running away from him? This act has occurred too many times to be a mistake. A man running away is not a threat. The victim was in fear; his execution by the Police proved that fact. He is dead. The Police executed him, but a traffic violation is not a capital offense.
Contrast that with the Chicago massacre on the 4th of July 2022. The suspect was accused of murdering many people, yet when he was stopped, he got out of his car and ran; the Police fired not a bullet; Sixty bullets were in the man who had not killed anyone but the guy who had murdered many was captured without incident. Jayland Walker, a black man, and Robert Crimo III, a white man, were both running away from the Police; the black guy ended up dead with sixty bullets. If you have the right complexion, you have the protection.
The USA did not become prejudiced by mistake; it was by design. I want everyone to remember the 100 years of war, 1337 - 1453, that preceded the discovery of America. Their rebirth did not change their attitude toward violence or prejudicial behavior toward each other in Europe. Instead, they brought it to the Americas and subsequently throughout the globe. Again, religion led the way: the British and French, Catholic and Anglican, disregarded the natives they met, claiming the land and resources. The same thing happened in the union of South Africa (USA), where Anglicans and Calvinists, Dutch and British stole the natives' diamonds and gold.
I want people to see the arrogance of the Europeans. The Catholic Church divided the world between Spain and Portugal. Yet, in 1619, the Dutch brought slaves to the British colonies. Who gave the Pope the right to do that? I do not have the answer, but if the Catholic Church was the authority, why did the rest of Europe disobey? Why did Holland break the Pope's rule in 1624 to establish New Netherland in North America, which at the time encompassed New York City, parts of Long Island, Connecticut, and New Jersey, only to be driven out by the British, who called it New York? Whose territory was it, the Pope's or the natives? Holland or England?
The above is the political design Europe has brought to the globe, and nothing has changed since 1492. They murdered the natives, genocide, made indentured servants of their vagrants and prisoners, and enslaved Israelites they kidnapped from the West Coast of Africa. These Israelite Europeans considered as 3/5 of a human being; the Europeans counted the Israelites as such for political reasons. Europeans trampling on the rights of non-Europeans is as common as the air we breathe.
The same attitude the Police had in 1630, ten years after Puritans landed in Massachusetts, is carried over to today, bringing back the runaway, dead or alive; today, only dead applies to the black man who is afraid running away trying to save his life. Whites can walk into Churches and kill as many as they please; the Police will calmly walk with them to Burger King for a happy meal. In the 1700s, whites dressed up as Indians to throw the tea overboard in Boston; today, they dressed up with false black faces so that blacks could be accused and punished for their crimes.
Will someone show me this good Christian Nation whose constitution reads ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL but at the same time held men like themselves in bondage? Europeans did a business of enslaving others using the Bible as their frame of reference but in 1807 printed a version missing 90% of the Torah and 50% of the New Testament; anything that spoke of revolution was removed three years after Haiti defeated the Spanish, the French and the English. If there is a good European Christian Church with its roots going back to the Vatican, as all Christian Churches do, point that Church out to the world.
The truth is, I am tired of Europe's hypocrisy. Everything the Bible says they should not do, they have done. They have acquired riches through the spilling of blood, robbery, and deceit; they fail to see that the Bible they use predicts that knowledge will increase and things in the dark will be flooded with light. Robert Crimo (Crime, O) is the lucifer, one of many floodlights exposing the path of European criminality. I live in this Nation, and I see the criminal progression. In seven months of 2022, there are over three hundred mass murders; if it continues at that rate, there will be six hundred or more. Whites are the perpetrators, but you will never know that.
Europeans have an exemption from crime because they have built a legal system based on dishonesty. Today, outside Europe, they own everything they got through theft, confiscation, and deceit, which they codified into law. In the USA, the dishonesty is profound; it goes from forcing the natives off their land, stealing Israelites and their labor, to the Daws commission and the $5.00 Indians. Europeans are registered as Indians, receiving the benefits the thieves allotted for the natives they dispossess.
Apart from the Europeans' dishonest behavior, there is greed. They want the whole pie. In the USA, 84% of the economy is in the hands of the white population. Did that happen because no one else knows how to work? No, it is the way the society is structured. The people who do the work get none of the profits: this takes us back to the dishonest model of "Slavery." Europeans call it a level playing field when they have the advantage. Look at the history of the world since 1492, European greed and dishonesty have been codified into law everywhere. Europeans came to those lands with nothing but the Bible; lies, violence, and deceit gave them everything.
The above is food for thought!
David LG Wilson