Today's deceptive science and real science
Pradeep R. S.
Corporate DQA+ RA+BD [Specialist QA | QC | RA | Microbiology | Investigation | F&D | ADL? Synthesis | Biologics | AI |CSV] of Sterile & Non Sterile API Formulation Fermentation & Medical Devices
Dear Friends, we all believe that we are in a period of progress of science, but the reality is that we are in the era of degradation of the science in the world, where there is no existence of real science even far and wide. Today I will focus little light on the same real science which was destroyed about 1500 years ago and subsequently by Islam of Mughals and Christianity of Britishers who led the world towards great destruction.
Today, science has been divided into many dimensions, so that human society lives in illusions and it has been made so complicated by twisting it with fanciful theories, that people spent their life in non-understanding the real science. Today to which we calling science having just illusions and finally science is not get understood clearly. The method which has been used prominently to increase the confusion and misconception is called modern mathematics which is based on the non-standard equations and trigonometry and also have baseless and useless theorem.
Now come on to the actual science. Real science is very simple, true, very standard and authentic. All the objects that have been discovered till date have been based on this real science only.
This science is based on 3 fundamental subjects: The Science of Life (i.e. Biology), The Science of Matter i.e. Physics and The Science of Inanimate and Animate Reactions i.e. Chemistry. Today's illusory science also uses these three methods to look like true science but establishes unrealistic principles in place of reality. One by one we look at their differences.
1. Biology which begins with the origin of living beings (life) on earth and creation. On the basis of the modern science the illusion was spread, by theories like life originated on earth from the inert elements or non livings or it was said that life originated non-spontaneously or from the Big Bang i.e. the Great Explosion. While these all are half-truth and have no proof. The reality is that there are 2 divisions of creation of universe and life. One of the creation is called called the Physical World or Materialistic World and the other is called the Conscious World or Spiritual World / Kinetic World / Energetic World. That is, nothing but only a well-planned mixture of energy and matter is called universe.
Now the topic comes how it originated. Any action is impossible without the doer. Therefore, there is no doubt that some super-conscious creator is there who made the universe. The originator of both physical and biological elements is the same because the creation is based on single laws of governance for every activity. The material elements arose from the formless sky or vacuum. Air was born in that sky/ vacuum, different types of fire were created from air, different types of water from fire, infinite substances from water (the substances you see in the periodic table are very few. Even more strange and special material elements are available in our universe than them) These substances are called earth. From these 5 elements i.e. from the Panchamahabhutas, the tanmatras originated and from the tanmatras the senses originated. Now the topic comes that after all, how is the origin of elements possible from vacuum. The answer is through Conformation Technology or systematic arrangement of something that creates molecule. This technology knows one who creates the universe and secondly one who knows the creator of the universe, but for the second one (One who knows Creator) the world trade is forbidden. This way material/ matter creation took place. Now we come to the conscious creation of the world. This action is as the laws of energy say. Consciousness(Energy) neither created nor perishes, it just changes from one form to another. Similarly, there is no creator of the consciousness. That original consciousness itself transforms its form into many living entities. Yes, the law of energy is also says that there is few amount of energy loss during transformation which get mix in larger universe or it self the creator, in the same way when the original Chaitanya (Conscious Source) transformed itself into other Chaitanya (Living Beings), the energy was transferred in different quantities in the living entities and the living entity originates from the Original Chaitanya (Source of Consciousness). Though the second part of law of energy a certain amount loss during transfer it leads origination of living beings having differ in quality and ability. All these organisms originated at the same time, neither separately nor there were any changes in their time of origination and forms, hence theory of genetic modification, theory of inheritance, theory of evolution etc. is 100% wrong because humans were human beings even at the beginning of creation, Lion and Cat etc. were Loin and Cat since from the beginning of the creation of the universe.
Now some people asking question who comes first whether the Hen or an Egg? The answer is, there are following types of living beings: They are Manas, Nadaj, Binduja, Udbhijja, Jarayuj, Andaj and Svedaj. The organisms arising from the mind such as Chhayapurush are Manas, those arising from sound such as viruses are Nadaj, organisms arising from the point (Neucleus) such as amoeba are Binduj, Plants and Vegetables are Udbhij, jarayujas, i.e. all insects, birds and reptiles those laying eggs are Andaj, and insects such as mosquito are swedajas, There are two way of reproduction. Those who able to reproduce singly by division and second one by the pair of that species. Singles where there is asexual reproduction and pairs where there is sexual reproduction. Therefore, first the hen and rooster was created from the five great elements by the creator and then they gave birth to an egg from them and the creation continued.
2. Physics or materials science. Since the intellect of human beings is able to experience only the gross and visible materialistic elements from the beginning to the end of their life, they either do not have access to the subtler conscious element or some time to confirm their false ego, they avoid existence of the Creator. They consider it their wisdom to do. That's why humans made a lot of discoveries in physics, but if they are calculated, they are only 0.0001% of the real knowledge discovered and also not very useful for humanity. For example : diagnosing diseases by modern machines based on radiation technology such as X-ray, CT-scan, USG etc. which are very fatal as well as their diagnosis is only 10 to 50% correct. The knowledge of the instruments and techniques that are being made today was known to our ancestors even thousands of years ago, but this science was meaningless and also complicated, so our ancient scientists used to work on pulse science, which can make the diagnosis 100% correct even of starting Cancer and non-detectable diseases in their early stages. Pulse diagnosing technology was non lethal and the patient did not suffer from any pain. The diagnostic systems that we are using today were used by the conspiratorial of the business world so that the consumer could be robbed of the growing masses by increasing consumerism. In the same way, the instruments made for the journey of the universe are useless because our life is connected with the earth only and there is no possibility of our life anywhere else than earth. Nor is there a creature of life on any other planet or other place like our earth. If the purpose is to just travel the universe, so by using principle of action of upward gravity (Anti-gravity), it is possible to make such instruments which can take the spacecraft out of the earth's atmosphere and man can travel very easily in the universe. But the universe is so vast that if someone will travels with speed of light even, it is impossible to reach the end of the universe in billions of trillions of years. And the also there is principle that the any objects if it will move at the speed of light, naturally it will also become light. So it is impossible to use the instrument of such speed. If we come to architect i.e. Vastu Science, then we will come to know that the craft and architecture of ancient science was millions of times more advanced than today, examples of which are found even today in the form of architectures built millions of years ago. The surprising thing is that how these vastu made of big Rocks and mountains would have been made. The answer is by melting the stones. Our ancestors knew the art of melting stones. That action was done by reflecting the bright light of the Sun through a special reflecting lens. Our team still knows that process. In the same way, the purification of water in which the DM unit, RO unit or distillation unit is ever used to reduce the total dissolved solid. These three processes are of very third class type, which can be called in bad language tuchhi or substandard, because about 20 liters of water is wasted in making 1 liter of Purified Water and the cost of setting up its plant is several lakhs of rupees. Since the evil business community has to increase consumerism, they bring these trivial processes into existence. Whereas the process of water purification and production of 100% pure water (100% purified water more pure than RO+EDI+Biomembrane and Multicoloumn Distillation) is available in our ancient science which is many times better and without any harm to environment. It can able to purify chemical company's ETP waste water and also heavy waste water of nuclear reactor. At the same time, sea water can also be converted into drinking water by that process.
3. Now on to the chemistry. Today's chemistry considers itself to be universally progressive. But its reach is only like 0.0001% in chemical elements. Once I asked my professor of chemistry, Sir, is this what you call benzene and does it really look like the structure you drawing. If yes, how can they be seen? He said that they do not look like the picture. The picture is standard. That 4 valency element, which we call carbon, it always remains carbon, this is also not standard and not factual. Some shading is done by X-ray crystallography and XRPD but that too is doubtful because they are all based on non standard methods. The reality is that chemistry is not needed by organisms at all. Plants are responsible for synthesizing the chemicals which are useful for the body of living beings. Those chemicals are called phyto-chemicals. They prepared in a perfect proportion by the Tree/Plant/ Herbs and Plants establish that Phyto-Chemicals in their leaf, stem, flower, fruit and root. We can test these elements by color, form, smell, touch and rasa (Taste), which was known to the father of Ayurveda called Dhanvantari and from him to Maharishi Charak, Vanbhata, Maharishi Sushruta, Maharishi Sushruta, Maharishi Patanjali etc. There are such chemicals in plants and some stones which completely eliminates old age disease, genetic disease, diseases of Bones and Bone Marrow etc. of the human body. Mrit Sanjeevani Sura, Ahifenasava, Vishuddhachandrodaya etc. are some such chemicals mentioned in Ayurveda. Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Autoimmune Disease, etc all can be cure by Phyto-chemicals and there are the medicines in Ayurveda that cure broken bones in 15 days are the foundation of real chemistry, on which about 70% work has been completed by our team. Apart from this, wherever there is synthesis, all the actions are alchemy, that is, the production of toxin. These alchemy molecules makes the sensitive elements (Bio sensor and Neurotransmitters) in our body dormant for some time or for a while, due to which we stop experiencing pain. But when the dormant sensory system wakes up, the same state remains in its memory as it was before it became dormant. So its working system gets staggered. On the contrary, the use of plant chemicals i.e. phytochemicals heals the body and brings natural health.
And Finally what that keeps all these sciences on the bed of confusion is modern mathematics. Real math is only numerology based on addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and Statistics are real mathematics. Whereas, Algebraic, Geometric or trigonometric math based on unrealistic or illusory mathematics.
So today we understood the difference between real science and deceptive standard standard science. In the next article, we will focus on Kamavigyan/Kamakala/Kamashastra, in which instead of today's shoddy sex education, the real sex education will be highlighted. Hope you will give maximum encouragement to the subjects.
Corporate DQA+ RA+BD [Specialist QA | QC | RA | Microbiology | Investigation | F&D | ADL? Synthesis | Biologics | AI |CSV] of Sterile & Non Sterile API Formulation Fermentation & Medical Devices
2 年Galentic Pharma (India) Pvt. Ltd. Farbe Firma Pvt. Ltd. BDR Pharmaceuticals Glumex Pharmaceuticals Mfg Pvt Ltd - India Anthony Melvin Crasto Consultant at Glenmark LS, Dreamer/Mentor/Guide Sandeep Singh OM Pharma Fibroheal Woundcare Pvt Ltd Vivek Mishra Aniruddha Joshi