Today's Classes
We had our first Spring classes at Seminole Heights Charter High School today which consisted of a high-level Overview of the 7 Toolkits of our Character GPS Life, Leadership Development Program. We used the Metaphor of a "Weathervane" vs. "Compass" thinking to help coach the students to not base their decisions on their "Emotions" like the changing winds of a "Weathervane" (I don't "feel" like doing my Chores, Homework, etc.) vs. being committed to ALWAYS do the right thing like a "Compass" that always points "North" regardless of how they feel.
Here are some pictures from the day:
Here are some short videos from today:
Assistant Principal Mr. Ashley Allen Addresses the AM Class:
Peer Mentor Shaylee talks to the new students:
Peer Mentor Cedric talks to the new students:
There are always surprises on the first day and I would like to share that a new GPS student, someone that used to come bother us, had now signed herself up for our class and gave us her undivided attention throughout the whole class! We asked her afterwards to tell us one thing that she thought she had learned and she smiled really big and said "So much! Even the vocabulary, the words that were used!"
I honestly thought that this was someone who wouldn't be interested and we were pretty blown away! When I checked her notes, as we grade everyone's notes, I was surprised that not only was she listening but she wrote down almost everything!
Then I assessed everyone's Myers-Briggs' Personality Surveys! I called over to Jeff and said "Look!!!", with a huge grin on my face, "She is a Myers-Briggs ENFJ!!!" An ENFJ is the "Teacher" profile, same as Jeff and I, and this explains why she would always drop by and ask a lot of questions about what we were doing in that classroom. ENFJ's LOVE to LEARN! Sharing that knowledge with others is also something that they are naturally gifted at!
Little did we know that she was soaking it all up like a dry sponge, hearing lots of things that her soul needed to hear. This was all so satisfying and one teacher said to us that it would be a true miracle if we could help her turn her habits around! We can't wait to see what changes take place in her life moving forward after all, ENFJ's are CHANGE AGENTS! We love to help facilitate change for the better!
Amen to that!
Gotta go, another big day tomorrow! We will be at West University Charter High School for a first day Overview and we will have 4 classes there, BIG DAY and will keep you all updated!
Your Friends at Character GPS,
Debbie and Jeff Cain