Today, we remember and honor.
HUBER Technology US
A World Leader in Water, Wastewater, Sludge and Waste Treatment
As another Memorial Day falls upon us let us not forget what and who this day is for. The following is a message from one of our many veterans here at HUBER Technology, Inc. in Denver, North Carolina, Director of Aftermarket Sales & Service, Matthew Dolley on the significance of Memorial Day.
"Coworkers, Friends, Family & Strangers near & far,?
Memorial Day is a day of solemn remembrance, a day where we pause to honor those who gave their lives so we may enjoy the freedoms that we hold so dear. As a veteran myself, I am deeply honored and humbled each year to be able to take apart in family, friendly festivities and remembrance on a day that carries such significance, and to commemorate the bravery, the courage, the sacrifice, of my fallen brothers and sisters. In the silence between the notes of Taps, in the stillness after the echo of the twenty-one-gun salute fades, we find the true meaning of Memorial Day. It is not just a day off work, not just the beginning of summer. It is a moment of pause, a moment of silence, a moment of gratitude for those who have served and paid the ultimate price.
The world is a safer place because of them. Our nation remains strong because of them. And while we live our lives amidst the peace and security that they have afforded us, we must remember, always, that freedom is not free. It comes at a profound and painful cost. It comes at the cost of a soldier's last breath, the cost of a sailor's final wave goodbye, the cost of an airman's last ascent into the wild blue yonder, the cost of a marine's final stand. They are our sons and daughters, our husbands and wives, our brothers and sisters, our friends. They came from all walks of life, from every corner of this great nation. Some volunteered, some were called. But they all served. Each of them understood the risks, but they took the oath anyway. They put on the uniform anyway. They stepped into harm's way anyway. Why? Because they believed in something larger than themselves. They believed in freedom, in liberty, in justice. They believed in each one of us.
Their courage is the stuff of legends, their sacrifice the grist of history. Yet they were not myths, nor abstract figures in a history book. They were real. They had hopes and dreams, loved ones they left behind, lives they wished to live. They were human, like you and me. And it is precisely this that makes their sacrifice so deeply moving, so profound. My own journey in the Marines has been filled with countless faces, faces of those who fought beside me, who stood with me, who now are no longer with us. They were not just soldiers, sailors, airmen or marines; they were my friends, my brothers and sisters. I carry them with me, not just today, but every day. Their voices call out to us, from that hallowed ground of Arlington, from the countless cemeteries and final resting places scattered across this globe. They call us to remember, to never forget, to honor them not just in word but indeed and action.
So, how can we honor them? We can live our lives in a manner worthy of their sacrifice. We can strive to be better citizens, better friends, better neighbors. We can take care of the loved ones they've left behind. We can support the veterans who have returned and carry the invisible and visible wounds of war. We can promote peace, strive for understanding, and work to prevent the horrors of war from happening again. Today, we stand united in our grief, in our gratitude, in our respect.
Let us remember those who have fallen, let us carry their memory in our hearts.
As we do so, let us also remember the love they had for their country, the bravery with which they fought, and the sacrifices they made.
Today, we honor them, and everyday hereafter.?
Semper Fidelis"