Today is Tomorrow
As independent, self-oriented human being, we need to decide who we want to be, every single day.And who we are is a function of what we do. Whether we are consciously trying or not, we are always crafting our future self.
Every day we make choices — some big, some small. Without that conscious direction, your identity is left to forces, patterns and stimuli beyond your control.
When we view every decision as a building block, we know the next decision about who you want to be is just around the corner. We are creating ourselves at every step.
We need to accept that only we can make decisions to become a better person and build yourself into the kind of person you want to be, you give yourself an enormous amount of power.
This is about recognizing that however we respond to our life situation — big or small — we ourselves are determining the quality of our life tomorrow
Journaling is a great way to keep your eyes on the returns. Perhaps most importantly, it offers the opportunity to praise ourselves on a regular basis for the work we’re doing. When we have metamorphed what it takes to be the human we want to be into a series of daily tasks, it can be easy to witnees the sight of progress we’re making.
That this journey is ongoing. It never truly ends. If how we?spend today determines our tomorrow, then tomorrow determines who I’ll be the following day — and then we as person might experience real personal growth and change, often in profound and dramatic ways.
Finally, embrace the fact that you will always be in the process of becoming that person.