Today, I've decided to be toxic and tell the whole truth about who's to blame for America's problems. Not for the faint-hearted or the tender-souled.
"It seems the lady described her erotic fantasies.?? I just imagined a confident alpha male who brings himself forward and has everything in abundance."
It appears that a significant portion of the female audience in the CIS has "Primachenko brain syndrome". Before that, there was "Lobkovsky brain syndrome". However, this is a global trend, marked by literature in the style of Marie Kondo.
Some reviewers even write about "Primachenkov literature". What a harsh landing awaits these poor women. But it's good for psychologists - they swell with blood like leeches. Though not for long. AI is on the horizon in 3-5 years to take psychologists out of the market. But not the problem.
Over the last 15 years, there's been a significant shift towards the market of learned helplessness - turns out there's a lot of money in it - for psychologists, banks, snot-wiping services, endless "life balances", "self-love".
The paradigm - "curl up in a corner under a warm blanket, with a cat, read a romance novel and love yourself. In solitude...". And to avoid suffering - read Primachenkov literature. A new version of downshifting for the destitute.
Naturally, the theoretical foundation for this is laid by the main profiteers of money - those who parasite on preaching helplessness and stigmatizing the striving for growth - a growing horde of psychotherapists who realized that comforting weak women is a gold mine.
Interestingly, the founding fathers of the business model, like Jung, Freud, etc., saw the problem in maladaptation. Each of them, of course, had their opinion on the causes, each invented their model of personality and psychotherapeutic myth, but their goal was to help a person RETURN to society and live a fulfilled life.
But, it seems, about 10-15 years ago, the wind changed, and psychologists realized that justifying weakness and removing FROM SOCIETY could EARN MORE MONEY than on personality development. It's understandable - retention, LTV are higher.
Thus, modern psychotherapy has turned into a form of legal narcotic. It's profitable to keep a person in a weak state because they will inevitably suffer more, and thus, pay forever. Because "Primachenkov literature", the Marie Kondo paradigm is not about solving problems, but about escaping them into an illusion, attempting to flee from conflict.
My publisher, who actually publishes Primachenko, directly wrote to me in response to my remark about her trolls: "...Well, let them troll. She can buy much more with her royalties than all the trolls... She's already bought a couple of houses...". As they say: for every unhappy woman, a psychologist gets a house. ??This was also discovered by Lobskov.
Growth always involves conflict, overcoming, pain, but it's like the concept of hard fun - it offers a great reward.
Therefore, it's precisely the healthy striving for growth that greedy vampire psychologists declare as the main cause of suffering. It's like an inverted Buddhism.
Buddha didn't deny growth; he saw the cause of suffering in attachment, not in growth.
But psychologists need to instill the idea that growth, ambitions - are evil, worse than that, it's a deadly disease. Here are some selected quotes from the society of Primachenko fans:
"Everyone overcoming everything - just neurotics and deeply traumatized people. And their drive to overcome everything - exactly their compensation."
"I agree with the hypothesis of neuroticism and trauma. Analyzed it based on myself and my acquaintances, it seems like that. The scale of business and 'engine of progress' depends on the scale, depth of trauma, and degree of neuroticism."
and this killed me: "I have a very wise psychologist, she says that all rich guys with big millions and billions - are insecure boys who, instead of presenting themselves as valuable people, men, resort to women with a kitty cat with gifts behind their back. because they don't value themselves without her."
- this will be especially cool....
"And a confident male just brings himself and works in such a way that there's enough time for family, life, and hobbies..." - hey, confident males, how's life working as loaders and warehouse workers.
If you think this is just my personal opinion, read the article by Katherine Boyle (@KTmBoyle ) (venture capitalist and general partner at Andreessen Horowitz, co-founder of the American Dynamism initiative, which invests in companies created to support national interests.) - here's a quote:
"These days, the left and the right seem unable to agree on anything, but there's almost consensus on the issue of suffering: its complete eradication is a common goal of the government, technology, medicine, and science..." - link in the comments.
I won't develop conspiracy theories, but the idea of "eliminating suffering as the purpose of civilization" - seems to appeal to everyone - the government, business, greedy psychologists, and 95% of the population.
It's so convenient, to turn 95% of the population into a vegetable, who "just brings themselves and works" and pays. The trick is to set up AI so that most people just bring and work. And when they start to suffer, they go to the AI psychologist.
This all reminds me of dystopian movies, like Equilibrium, where the protagonist had to regularly take pills to remain loyal to the authority. Coupled with social norms, it's cool.
But that's not all. Psychologists actively fight against us, info-gypsies, accusing us of taking money from poor, poor sheep, selling them growth. Which, of course, is immoral, because growth is a disease.
But don't worry, the same psychologists will therapeutically relieve you, ease your suffering when you fail to achieve your goals, lying in blood and tears, crying and wailing:
"Oh, woe is me. Why did I catch achievementism? Didn't smart people tell me that 'a confident male just brings himself and works. And there's enough for the family, life, and hobbies'? Why wasn't that enough? If I had worked like a male, brought myself, there would have been enough for the family, life, and hobbies...!"
Don't cry! Don't hide your money in banks and corners, take a loan, and bring it to psychologists. They will make you a confident male, even if you're a woman! They'll attach balls to you, it's fashionable now.
In the end, it seems to me that all this is the machinations of the golden billion, to reduce the population of useless people. Look how neatly it works out:
1. Helpless men don't get women. They used to because women felt pity, but psychologists warn - run away from such a man.
2. Psychologists tell women in the words of Buddha:
"Suffering from attachments", so to hell with these attachments. You don't need a man, what you need is solitude, comfort, a cat, and a vibrator.
Lying down, reading romantic fantasy, warm, cozy, snow outside, no one bothers you, no socks thrown around the room, no snoring at night, not playing games.
Once a week, you can meet a friend, discuss the new masterpiece by Sarah Maas! And don't forget, we have a session on Wednesday, you must be there. We'll discuss the 254th male trick, how to make a woman a slave. Very dangerous!
By the way, I'll recommend my acquaintance, an excellent specialist in female consciousness. She's just forming a group for mentorship, and it's not expensive at all. Only $1500, there's even a payment plan. Here's the registration button, but hurry - only 4 places left. Only for our own, kitty. You understand, I wouldn't recommend something bad.
Don't forget to take your pills? It's so important for your trauma. The main thing, don't forget to accept yourself, and don't interact with those who devalue you. Kisses-kisses!"
But there's one paradox. While psychologists are so insistent on the deadly harm of achievementism, they most love millionaires-achievers as clients, those who "all rich guys with big millions and billions - insecure boys who come to women with a kitty cat with gifts behind their back..."
Oh, how psychologists see these "kitty cats with gifts" in their wet erotic dreams. Hey, psychologists, what's the price for opium for the people?