Today I Awake, October 28, 2022

Today I Awake, October 28, 2022

Today I Awake with thoughts of hope. There is something to be said about being a visionary versus having a vision. I have been following the advancement of technology ever since I can remember, but even at 7 years old, regardless of how much advancement there was/is, the utilization and creative story that is told, in so many cases, does not reach the full potential of what it could be. We are at the crux now of one of the most powerful times of human connection to date, yet at the same time I see such a bitter-sweet disconnect globally, but it's not too late to help heal humanity as a whole, its never too late, but as time goes on it gets more challenging. So I now bring a call to action to anyone reading this post, to put on your visionary hat, and manifest something close to your heart, even if it is very simple, with the realization that many simple things that fall in line together, create a very powerful energy, that will help the world heal, where everyone has value, respected and in the end a global symbiotic connection of the heart, mind, and soul <3 I just took the photo above, here in the Vortex, and added a little artistic expression to it. Even something as simple as your view of the world, through your eyes, transformed into a photo, can spark the imagination. Get on it peeps :)


