Today I am Grateful For...
Dr. Rachel-Yvonne Talton
Board Director / Helping executives become more effective leaders, and organizations become more impactful and profitable. Leadership | Executive Coaching | Keynote Speaker | Author
Good morning to you.
Here is hoping you are paying attention to your mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health in addition to your work (and TV/online). Right now, un-clench your jaw and relax your shoulders. Go outside and walk, even if just a block. Go ahead. Just do it!
Today I am so grateful for:
1. My clients, especially my executive coaching clients. First of all, because they are amazing leaders doing great work. But also because they keep me connected to every industry - transportation, health care, public sector, financial sector, technology, food sector, Hollywood. Since I can't leave the house, I love to live through them!
2. Nature. I have never appreciated the view from my study more than I do today. Just the idea that each of us can go outside and appreciate all that God has given us is a gift.
3. Akron Community Foundation. I have been serving on the board of this organization for several years now, and enjoy being on the Community Investment Committee (where we decide what organizations receive grants). Now, however, we have a special committee working specifically on funding organizations that are meeting emergent needs during this COVID19 virus. I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn and serve during this time. Please give if you can to your community foundation.
"We, the People, recognize that we have responsibilities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom which only asks what's in it for me, a freedom without a commitment to others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism, is unworthy of our founding ideals, and those who died in their defense." ~ President Barack Obama