Today Is THE Day!
Joe Battista
Professional Speaker| Author-The Power of Pragmatic Passion| Pragmatic Passioneer| Dream Big. Keep it Real. Get it Done!
By Joe Battista
Today is the day! That’s right! Today is THE day that will change your life forever! How can I say that with such confidence? Because after you read this, and IF you act on what you read here, you can start to change your life for the better.
Today? But why today? I am still recovering from Thanksgiving and now I have to get ready for the Holidays. Can’t I wait until New Year’s Day?
Sure, you could, but why wait until New Year’s Day? We already know what happens to most New Year’s Resolutions because we don’t put real time and deep thought into what we want! The reason TODAY is THE day is that it is THE day that you resolve to make 2019 the best year of your life. How? Because you are going to start planning for it TODAY!
So now that I have your attention and before I get too much deeper into this week’s column, I wanted to let you know some exciting news! I will be the featured guest on "Career Talk" on SiriusXM Business Radio Station 132, powered by The Wharton School, at Noon on Nov. 29!
The show is hosted by Dawn Graham, Ph.D., LP, and Career Director, Wharton MBA Program for Executives. Career Talk is also on Soundcloud, PlayerFM, and iTunes.
Dr. Graham just released her new book, Switchers: How Smart Professionals Change Careers -- and Seize Success and I love it! Dr. Graham and I are kindred spirits in our desire to help others.
So back to the task at hand. Immediately after reading this column, sit down with a pad of paper or get on your laptop and write down the 3 most important goals for 2019. Not task-oriented goals like helping your kid to apply to college or your parents to move into a retirement village. I am talking aspirational, life-changing goals that you have found a way to procrastinate or worse yet, never given any real thought. You will do this by finding a quiet, private place void of digital devices and interruptions because this really is that important. If you have a spouse or “significant other” you should repeat this process only after you have done your own personal deep dive into what you want to accomplish in 2019.
When I look back at my goals for 2018, I am thrilled that the top objectives, becoming a published author and making my business profitable, have been achieved! That didn’t happen by accident, and it wasn’t easy, but it got done because there was a goal with a deadline. A short-term goal that aligns with a legacy goal of helping others to make more informed decisions about life and career choices.
In Chapter 9 of my book, The Power of Pragmatic Passion, I challenge the reader to apply the 7 Common Sense Principles to think more deeply about what legacy they want to leave behind. I am confident that if you give this the proper time and make it a priority, you too can come up with a plan to address your own legacy goals. I am not talking about selfish, material goals, but transformational personal and professional goals. In his Goalcast video, How to Achieve Your Dreams, Academy Award winner Denzel Washington says, “You will never see a U-Haul behind a hearse.” It isn’t about self-serving and selfish wants. I challenge you to be more and to serve the greater good.
Do you know what your legacy is meant to be or are you leaving it up to chance, like playing the lottery? Hope is not an effective strategy, just like playing the lottery is not a dream, it is a fantasy.
Perhaps you have already done an intentional and in-depth self-analysis of what you want your life goals to be but haven’t made progress. Ask yourself, what is holding you back from fulfilling your legacy?
For every high-profile sports figure, entertainer, artist, celebrity, entrepreneur, or CEO that may leave a more public legacy behind, there are many other “common folk” like me who are building legacies of their own every day. It may not be because of a singular moment or a short public career as an athlete or celebrity. It may be a lifetime of being a great spouse, parent, colleague, or friend. Perhaps you are a first responder, a public servant, an educator, a missionary, an activist, a volunteer, or a fundraiser for a non-profit.
It could be the personal legacy of rising from a fall whether it was deeply personal or played out in the court of public opinion. It can be a legacy of someone who went on to finish the race and to find redemption by serving others in some way. It’s never too early and never too late to get started and today can be that day!
Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” You just need to believe that, today is THE day. Now Get it Done!