The Daedalus Files launches today--Good Friday. Be one of the first to download this edge-of-the-seat hard science fiction story here.
Alastair Mayer, author of the T-Space Series says this about The Daedalus Files:
Williscroft's usual attention to technical detail and firsthand experience with military ops pays off in these wild tales set in the world of his Slingshot, about the first wingsuit jump from a launch loop, then from LEO, followed by a squad of jumpers, and finally, their jump into live combat.
The idea of jumping from orbit using little more than a spacesuit and a re-entry pack goes back at least to Heinlein’s Starship Troopers, and I’ve used it myself, but Williscroft puts a new twist on it as Navy SEAL “Tiger” Baily makes the jump first from 80 km and then LEO. A great tale, with his usual attention to detail.
“Tiger” Baily, the wingsuited, space-jumping hero of Williscroft’s Daedalus Files, has the stakes upped once again as his whole team makes a jump from orbit. This time they're leaving nothing to chance and have already simulated every possible bad-news scenario they can think of. Too bad nature can come up with something they didn’t think of. Another fun ride, if your idea of fun includes death-defying action.
The test and training runs are over; now it’s time for the SWIC to see real action. Williscroft’s final tale in this book, Daedalus Combat, literally starts with a bang and keeps on going...