Colleen LaRose
I love helping businesses and organizations excel to their potential! Track record of providing leadership development, staff training plans. business strategy planning, internal and external public relations and more!
The Rothschilds famously gave money to both sides of warring factions, BECAUSE the rich don't care who wins, as long as their money gets them close to power. The influx of money from Elon Musk to trump and drying up of funds from the rich to Biden and other democrats is all about control! DO WE WANT THE RICH TO MAKE DECISIONS FOR THE MASSES? Stop the kleptocracy! Stop the Oligarchy! Send a loud and clear message! THE MASSES CAN EXERT POWER TOO WHEN THEY UNITE!!! SO, send Joe Biden five dollars...basically, buy him a cup of coffee (joe) today...just to let the rich know that we are still a democracy and they cannot and will not make decisions with their money for the rest of us. Send in as many $5.00 donations as you can...under as many names as you can...and get others to do the same...And share this post...
trump's acceptance speech last night was deplorable and Project 2025 is a scary dystopian future. Don't be so dismissive of Biden! Listen patiently to will hear a lot of wisdom! DEMOCRATS UNITE TODAY...BUY BIDEN A CUP OF JOE TODAY...SEND $5.00 TO: