Today creates your Tomorrows, so live with no regrets! ….

'Fairness'? , 'Justice'?, 'Equity'’ ……not in this CoVid-19 era  ..part 159.

Today creates your Tomorrows, so live with no regrets! …. 'Fairness' , 'Justice', 'Equity'’ ……not in this CoVid-19 era ..part 159.

You born, with a cry. You watch weaker getting ravaged by stronger, even though weaker has 'virtuous' life. A stag who never harmed anybody gets mercilessly eaten alive by wild dogs.

A poor gets exploited by rich.

When you feel life is kicking you in the teeth and it seems unfair take a real close look at your circumstances others who were in the exact same place as you would be thankful to be there yet they are not, others would think you deserve what you got, yet they should not, and even others would think how could it be any different...

I attended a seminar a while back and one of the speakers told a story about two brothers the short version here: The one brother who lives on the streets, takes drugs and is drunk half of the day and high the rest goes out and robs a convenience store to support his habits, the police chase him down and arrest him, a doctor comes to check his mental state and the doctor asked him what do you think made you do it...

The man says well my father was a drunk and beat me and my brother, my mother was an addict and died when I was young so it was just me and my brother how could it have come any different that how it came it was fate he told the doctor.

The doctor was curious about the man’s story and wondered what the brother was then doing if his fate as the man called it was similar so the doctor went and found the brother, he lived in an urban area, was a church member and teacher at the local middle school the doctor asks the second brother why do think you live like you do and the second man explains well you see it started many years ago... my father was a drunk and beat me and my brother, my mother was an addict and died when I was young so it was just me and my brother how could it have come any different than how it came it was fate...

The story shows two lives who came from the same circumstances yet one was like the parents and the other was exactly the opposite some would say they both had an unfair life, others would say it was fate, I would say it was how each of them perceived themselves and the lives they lived, the one chose to live what he knew and the other chose to do everything possible not to live the life he knew.

So fair or unfair is what you make of your life, I am not wanting to belittle anyone who has it rough, my childhood was not great, all forms of abuse, separated parents, loss of my first love through suicide, cheating spouse and the list I could make would turn many people's hearts yet pity has never helped anyone and least of all the one who has lead an unfair life... suck it up and live your life to be the best person you can take the lemons and make lemonade and sell it to the highest buyer make your life matter and always keep in mind you may have a bad day and think life is unfair, others have a bad life and think they deserved nothing better because they know no better.

If you want a better life make it better, if you want a fairer life make it fairer be thankful for what you have be grateful for what you receive so that you may have more of it, if you are ungrateful that what you have you will eventually lose as well.

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Thank you …By not comparing your life to others.

An important aside is that I don't mean to discourage learning from about and from other people, which has been one of the most fulfilling experiences for me.

Think about the person you want to be, take a steps each day toward that person, and at the end of each day evaluate these steps forward or backward. If you can enjoy this process, even when it's painful and sucks, because you enjoy the experience of becoming the best version of you you won't be so worried about what other people have and be happy about the person you are.

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f life is not fair, which it appears to be many times, take time to feel the anger, sadness and uncertainty so that is not accumulated and silently affecting life decisions.

After the above, write to the unconscious mind and ask it to channel its thoughts on to the strengths gained during life challenges. Did you learn tolerance? patience? forbearance? humility? compassion?

Did these gifts enrich your life further? Creating fulfilling relationships? Greater inner peace?

Let the unconscious mind respond via the non dominant hand. Then coach the unconscious mind, via your dominant hand, that earth is like a school for emotional wellness and self mastery. Help it understand life is not always unfair and I list a lot of examples to prove my point on how fair life was to help the unconscious understand the virtue of growth and gratitude.

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I also tell myself that one day the Big Picture will become clear and until that day arrives, I choose to feel my emotions and choose an action that helps me get out of victim mentality.

To some degree, we create our reality and we can change it as well. If we brood on unfairness, we attract situations that affirm our belief situation, pretty soon life loses its beauty and joy. Impulse control is key to well-being.

Want to add word or two?

Look, life is not fair nor unfair and it doesn’t care a iota about us, it just is!

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What makes life different is what we make of it, and nothing else!

So if you let life roll over you, let it define who you are or where you end up, with no input on your part, well then, you should do badly.

Now if you take control of your life, follow your own path, actively pursue your passions, objectives and likes in life, participate of the world around you, share time with your loved ones and friends, and live life as fully as you can. Embracing all it entails, well then, you should do well!

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Life will never be fair, it kicks you constantly, learn how to kick back at it, instead of smash you down, it's the only way you can survive, and no one is about to teach you how to do it, you just learn how to do it and that is it.

Your comment ….?

Fair/unfair - it is your own perception as how we look at - whatever, however, whoever.

Accepting and moving is like - you have a heavy meal and you got to walk a little to digest the food. Similarly life is all ‘digestion of facts’ - some go easy and some take time. For ‘some take time’, you may have to ‘walk in new fields’ a little and come out of that ‘unacceptable’ thingy.

Everything happens for a reason - you are happy if you accept and move on by thinking on ‘WHAT is it’. The moment we think on ‘WHY’ that’s when the misery says hello - because we might tend to think ‘WHY’ everything is happening to me only.

Ultimately, the memories we make with the people we love the most are what we will take with us at the end of our lives. We won’t care about how much money we made or how many likes we get on social media. What you’re going to be thinking about is if you fully lived up to your potential and told the people in your life that you appreciated and loved them enough.

Dayal Ram

Managing Director at DAYALIZE

4 年

My Diwali WISH for ALL Learn to cope with change As you age, there will be periods of both joy and stress. It’s important to build your resilience and find healthy ways to cope with challenges. Focus on the things you’re grateful for. Acknowledge and express your feelings. Accept the things you can’t change. Look for the silver lining. Take daily action to deal with life’s challenges. These 5 pointers will help you make the most of the good times and keep your perspective when times are tough. Be Happy Enjoy With LOVE Dayal

Dayal Ram

Managing Director at DAYALIZE

4 年

Love Is Painful Love is painful because we are afraid of loss. The biggest heart break I’ve ever had was losing my wife. The pain I felt came from how much I loved and missed her. I turned that pain into love by allowing myself to feel through how much I missed her by crying it out and knowing that she would want me to become the best man I could be. In our day to day life, arguing with your parents or a loved one isn’t a big deal. But the truth is you never know when someone’s last day will be. There are similar stories to the one above where you say goodbye to your loved one in the morning and they don’t make it back home that night. The lesson here is even the small things matter, do your best to always see the bigger picture. Make up with people as fast as you can because we never know when it’s time for our souls to return home. It’s been awhile and I still shed tears some while writing this article. Just this year during a breath work session, I had an insight which was that I feared fully loving the people I care about because I didn’t want to feel that pain of loss again. But I know now that in order to unconditionally love someone, we must let go of our fear of losing them.



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