Today consumers have a preference for hygiene products that come from natural sources: Sameer Sathpathy
Shahid Akhter, editor, ETHealthworld, spoke to?Sameer Sathpathy, Divisional Chief Executive, Personal Care ITC, to know more about the consumer behaviour towards hygiene products and how the post pandemic market is taking shape.
Hygiene & Health: Challenges
Important thing which happened in the pandemic was that consumers very clearly understood the very link between hygiene and good health and how managing good hygiene would lead to good health. So, whether it was washing hands, whether it was wearing a mask, if you are not feeling well or whether it was disinfecting areas around their house or packages coming in. Consumers understood why and how they were doing that.
What the current challenges is that, I think the understanding is there, the products got used. I think adoption into the lives into their lifestyle has happened with some consumers. And there are some consumers who are still, you know, are thinking about it, maybe they are not that affording, so they are looking at as a problem solution than a way of life.
The pandemic has been a once-in-a-lifetime kind of situation wherein there was an explosion of penetration of certain categories of products. What we see now is that some of these new users have gone on and adopted the products even more so the consumption is going up. But that’s a smaller section. The larger section we are seeing some loss as far as consumption and penetration is concerned. As we go forward, we feel that consumers are already exposed to hygiene practices, they have understood why. The key thing is for marketers and companies to build solutions which can fit into their current lifestyle, so that they can make it a way of life, not just be event focussed.
Hygiene was always a large part of some of the segments which existed especially in personal wash. But what we saw during the pandemic was the expansion in our definition of personal hygiene to more surface hygiene also. So, it was not only about keeping yourself clean or keeping you children clean, but also it was about a disinfection. It was about disinfecting areas in their homes or disinfecting spaces which were both in the personal/ public space. Whether you were travelling in public transport or were you going to office. So, the need to look beyond oneself is what we saw. As the pandemic has waxed and waned, some of these habits have become more engrained in a certain section of society. There are obviously on the masses, there have been… it’s not that people have not understood the importance but affordability sometimes becomes an issue. So, marketers are now working and people say is that people have understood the importance of hygiene, we just need to give it to them in formats or at prices that are value creating for them also.
Health & Hygiene products: Market Trends
We are seeing two large trends in health and hygiene; one is consumers who are extremely conscious of health and hygiene and therefore the adoption is in large number of categories. For these consumers, we need to keep innovating and bringing new products in new kind of areas which can be brought under disinfection and good hygiene practices.
So, whether we launch wipes for hands or for the kitchens or we launch cleaning plus disinfecting products for various parts of the home, there are consumers who are ready to adopt more. Then there are consumers, there are the other set of cohorts of consumers who want good products but maybe they are not so affording. So there the requirement of that segment is that we can give them efficient, cost-efficient solutions, which they can use in their everyday lives. And then there is a third cohort, who are a little apprehensive, who are apprehensive because they think that too much of disinfection, etc may not be good for their home. They are looking for natural solutions. Over there we have a set of products which comes under the brand, which take care of home hygiene practices, but come form natural sources. So, there are various needs and we are working on various vectors who take care of this needs.
Health & Hygiene: Savlon Swasth India Mission's 'Hygiene Study'
The Savlon Swasth India Mission is a very large initiative from ITC. We go to thousands of schools and we also look at influencing public opinion in the matters of health and hygiene. Before the pandemic we used to run a very large education programme, which we used to run in thousands of schools. We went and taught schoo children the importance of hygiene, how they should wash their hands, and “why” they should wash their hands; and carry that knowledge to their parents, because they are the future of our society, and they also bring in new influences into homes.
When we saw the pandemic creating this explosion of the need for hygiene to be large. As a very large industry player, there needs to be some understanding of the larger trends, as far as what has happened to the consumer and their attitudes towards hygiene. This is most critical, because this helps not only industry, but policy makers and general consumers at large. As to what actually is happening and what are the interventions required to grow this segment, to nurture this segment, and also what interventions are working and what interventions are not. So its a large scale study and the study is available to academicians, to industry bodies, an also to general public through media that this is what is happening as far as hygiene is concerned, these are the barriers, these are the enablers and if we manage these conditions well then we can move forward as far as hygiene practices are concerned. And this is important for India because I think we are a very large country and there are parts of it which are a bit hygienically challenged, so if we can manage that, it will lead to better health and a healthier India for tomorrow.
Health & Hygiene products: Innovations and R&D
Vision of our Chairman, Mr Sanjiv Puri has been that we need to create an agile organization which is based on innovation and digital, and we’ve invested in creating capabilities and platforms in the R&D teams. Which is one the largest and the most invested R&D programmes in the country. And we have been producing world-class products, products which can compete with the best in the world. But are also using Indian knowledge and are for Indian conditions. For example, we have a brand call?Nimyle, Nimyle is based on?neem. Neem as you know is a very, very powerful plant from a medicinal point of view. It has lot of good values. And we’ve been able to harness the power of neem for this range of products. And we’ve launched surface products, which is Nimyle, which a floor cleaner, right now it is doing really well in the market and is being accepted very well, and the market was looking for a product like this. And in the last (year), we’ve already become the leading player in the east and now we have rolled out this product across the country.
Neem is a plant that can be leveraged well for Indian conditions and we are also launching some other products based on the same. We also have?Nimwash,?Nimwash is a product which?is a everyday product for the kitchen. Which you can use as a pre-wash for your vegetables and fruits. It not only takes care of the germs and removes pesticides, and that is a very critical thing in environments like India, where sometimes the food chain is not as a hygienic as we would like it to be. So, these are the products that make consumers life better and its our passion and it is a commitment from our side to get you these grade products so that, you know, we live a longer and healthier life.