If Today
If Today
(#100 from Suffer Well Devotional Series?)
If today I Am not your everything,
Then what will you hope for tomorrow?
Your plans to prosper in the material world,
Only strife and wounds and sorrow.
My Word is your tutor; it has not changed;
“I must be your all!” it claims.
If you’re looking for answers in some other place,
Only disappointment and frustration remains.
So many I see running in circles,
Looking for that MAGIC PILL.
The longing they feel was placed there by Me,
Which only My Kingdom can fill.
Among you I sent My son in the flesh,
And the flesh is what He crucified.
Yourself! You talk… of His death,
Yet, your carnality you claim is justified!
“Not of this world,” is My Kingdom,
Your quest to reverse this…useless.
I will never let this world appease you,
Expecting it to satisfy…fruitless.
The contrite and the humble hear My voice,
My love, their heart’s conviction.
They wait before Me every dawn,
“This way, walk in it!” MY PRESCRIPTION!
It's never that I Am not attainable loved one. It's your process of attainment that hinders you. How long will you attempt to process a Spiritual Kingdom with human intellect and understanding? (Proverbs 3:5-6) It is trust by faith that brings a sound mind, and the trust and the faith are spiritually imbued. This is why I must continually ask you to literally get out of My way, to decrease; so that My Spirit alone can take charge of your mind, to increase. (John 3:30).
Stop believing the lie, that there is anything about you that would embrace any patterns about Me. Did not your brother Adam (the 1st) set a firm enough example for you? He started perfect, yet he still failed! (Genesis 3:12) What you fail to realize is that any effort, whatsoever, achieved by your “self,” will always fail. If it were not so, why would I have let you murder My Son for your inabilities?
I Am your life and in Me you have everything you need (2 Peter 1:3-4). If you search for Me other than through your humble decrease, and adaptation to My never-changing patterns, then you will miss Me. And when you miss Me, you will naturally default to reliance on old things that seemingly bring comfort; the fleshly things.
I Am what you long for. I made it that way! If I had not done so, all you would produce are strife, wounds, and sorrow. Look to Me and be saved (Isaiah 45:22). Look to Me and for Me, not for things from Me!