Today is Boss's Day 2018

Boss's Day is generally observed on or around October 16 here in the United States. It has traditionally been a day for employees to thank their Bosses for being kind and fair throughout the year.

National Boss’s Day was registered with the US Chamber of Commerce in 1958. It became a nationally recognized Holiday on October 16th, 1984.

The purpose of designating a special day in the workplace is to show the appreciation for your Boss. This was originally, also a strategy to attempt to improve intra-office relationships between managers and their staff members. The belief was that younger employees sometimes did not understand the hard work and dedication that their supervisors put into their work and the challenges they faced.

I know that not everybody likes a having a Boss.

Yes, there are good ones and some bad ones. Everybody has a story to tell on this subject. However, may I suggest that we take a few moments to re-set our thinking.

If you have a wonderful vocation and a wonderful Boss, thank him or her. Most Bosses are very much under appreciated. They usually report to another Boss and take the brunt of the bad and sometimes the good.

If you have a Boss you do not like, but you like your job, give thanks to God and country, that you have a job that you like, you get a pay check, you feed your family and you pay your bills.

Option #3 – become your own Boss. If this is something you’ve thought of doing, but don’t know how or where to get started, this is where I can help. I am a Business Broker and I can put YOU in the Boss’s Chair.

Happy Boss’s Day to all!


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