Today is 9/11 (Re -posting it !)
Today is 9/11. Nineteen years later, the memory is just as fresh as if it had happened yesterday. Most people over the age of 25 today will never forget that darkest day in world history when 2 planes hit twin towers of world trade center in New York city while other 2 planes missed their intended targets.
Let’s forget about our diverse religious beliefs, our difference of opinion about American foreign policy then and now, all sorts of conflicts between countries or between different sects within the country and rise above world politics and pay homage to those innocent people who lost their lives – civilians, policemen, firemen, first respondents and bystanders. Let’s remember them and take an oath to try to eradicate hatred and spread love among all.
On the same unfortunate day a real, profound and strong lesson on leadership was delivered. We all have come across many books on leadership, have attended training and seminars on motivations, lot of articles have been posted on these subjects and lastly corporations have spent millions of dollars to train their executives to make them better leaders. However on that day on the United Airline Flight 93 Tod Beamer ( delivered message on leadership with just 2 simple words "Let's Roll" and his team followed. They averted the attack on the White House - a most powerful office of the President of the world (that was later known). Behind this response to the call of a leadership there were 4 major attributes- courage, confidence, determination and teamwork! They took a chance and risk - which leader ought to do. There was not WIFM (what's in for me) but there was what in for all of us - the company!! And perhaps they knew there was lot bigger cause. And if they did not know, we certainly know. Hats off to them!! Today we salute Tod Beamer and his "Let's Roll" team!
And keeping that in mind I humbly encourage all who read this post, let's show a leadership in whatever we do!
Let's Roll !!! God bless America !
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7 年On that day 17 years ago I was in Birmingham Alabama and had first hand experience of the emergency the event had created..