A Toast to Golden Memories
Warren Brown
Amazon Author,Publisher,Life Coach,Hypnotherapist, Blogger, Copywriter, Social Media Manager, Indie Film-maker
Let us raise a glass of the finest wine,
To remember the symbol and design,
In the past that we have lived,
To the times we have spent.
To all that we have wholly given,
Our minds, our hearts, and our souls.
To all that we have taken in life,
From love, companions, friends,
Parents, children, husbands, and wives.
A toast to the dizzy ups and to the low downs,
The smiles, the heartaches, and the frowns.
A toast to the loved ones we have with us,
A toast to the special ones we lost.
We live in our present,
Which is a give to us sent.
We cherish our past,
Knowing that the present does not last.
We look forward to our future,
To make our dreams clearer.
The past filled our hearts and our minds,
With all that life offers each one of us,
It can be happy, sad, joyful, and unkind.
Let us raise us a glass of wine,
To make this celebration special,
To toast to the past and the future,
With new pages of life to fill.
To cherish all our memories here,
As we will our destinies fulfill.
Copyright@Warren Brown.London.England