Not a to-do list
Kishore Kumar V
Corporate Trainer & Coach - Managerial Effectiveness | Helping Organisations in Growth, Profitability and Strategic Initiatives by making their Managers and Leaders More Effective
Many books tell you to start your day with a ‘to-do’ list. If your experience is anything like mine, your to-do list keeps growing and growing till it becomes so exasperating and de-motivating that you say “What is the point?” and throw it away.
Try this: Start your day with an ‘Outcome’ list. Making a list of outcomes will be more meaningful and take you closer to your goals than a to-do list. Here are some examples from to-do lists and outcome lists:
To-do List
- Call Peter
- Send Visit Report
- Read Seven Habits book
Outcome List
- Find if Peter is free for meeting on Friday afternoon; if not when?
- Report to Ann about actions from my visit
- Identify items, if any, from Seven Habits book that I can use.
All the best!