To Be
To become whole is the fullness of God. You have no desire to seek approval, because God has given it to you. Speaking out on different causes, taught me to be true to myself. I never had to plan my words; they were planted within my soul. The words of your mouth and meditation of your heart, show in your character. I believe when you come into the world fighting, victory is embedded into your character.
You refuse to quit when the world tries to knock you down. There is no option but victory. You do not see challenges as hard, but necessary. The only option is the end is to win. God will not allow you to quit, because he carries you in his spirit. The Almighty is in control, and the creator of all will always win.
You speak about previous challenges, as a testimony of who you are. There is no trauma, because he who started the work will finish it. Once held captive, you are now free. Free to think for yourself. Free to fill the souls of others. Ultimately, God has crowned you and declared you victorious, before you came into the world. Your testimony is in the things and people, that cannot break you.
God will break you, to put you back together. Whatever did not break you mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, was not meant to. God gives us the spirit of a warrior. The battles may be lost, but the war has already been defeated. We each have a selfish side. God knew us in our mother's belly. He knew we might choose our own comfort first, because we are in our flesh.
God gives you the spirit of affluence, and not of oppression. God holds in his spirit, the magical purse of the universe. He will not allow you to run and hide, he makes you fight and win. You stop fearing the influence of others, because he is who you should fear. Once I would run, and not I stand and fight. I have no fear of man, because God gives Us Power. Power to think, power to speak, and power to be!
We are Free!!!!!!!!
What others see as foolish, is Gods way of showing others who he is. His ways are not our ways; nor are our ways his. Eash of us has discernment, we are not to be led by our understanding. It is God who operates through some of us. We each are on a different level of understanding. God gives some of us more of him, because he already equipped us with his light. We are not bound to anyone, or obligated, unless we choose to be.
God gives us free speech. Man gives us Constitutional Rights. God is no respecter of persons. Which translates to; stop thinking someone is going to individually please you. We each have our own lives. If someone gives us something genuinely, appreciate it. No one is obligated to make you happy, but yourself. When God delivers you from others, maybe it is to protect you, from harm they may do.
There are processes in life. Yet not everyone is on the same level. God creates us differently. You might be on level ten, but I may be on level ninety-nine. He equips us to do what he created us for. In all thy gaining, gain understanding. I understand God. How about you? Discernment is a gift from God. Only those who know, will understand. The memory of an elephant, to continue to Be! A pure heart, clear conscious and strong faith, can move mountains. Let us be.
Be true to yourself and who God created you to be.
#wholeness #sincerity #goodnessofGod #whole #processes #complete #genuine #processcomplete