There are two types of quenching methods of hot rolled rods.
1. TMT Bars – Thermo Mechanically Treated Bars
2. CTD Bars - Cold treated Debars
TMT bars are formed by quenching the temperature in the rod by forcing the water on opposite direction of the rod movement with desired pressure at the Thermex box.
CTD bars are formed by quenching the rod temperature by natural cooling.
In TMT rods two types of technology are available.
1. Thermex Quenching system - Basically from Germen Technology. The rod is passed through single nozzle in which water and Air are forced at Particular pressure.
2. Temporal Quenching System - from Belgium Technology. The rod is passed through different nozzles in which water is forced at particular Pressure.
Comparison between CTD and TMT bars:
The CTD Bars are basically quenched using the natural cooling, the inner and outer core both are at hardened stage. So the CTD bars do not have the flexibility property. But TMT bars inner core become softer and outer core is at hardened stage. So the TMT bars are having the flexibility property.
These TMT bars are used to build the support Beams, Concrete floors, Walls etc., Because of Its flexibility property it can withstand for Smaller Earthquakes. These bars are used both at horizontal and vertical mounting support. When the beam is built especially the big sizes are kept at centre like (20 mm, 25mm, and 32 mm) which is surrounded by small sizes like (10mm, 12mm, 8mm) to add the additional strength to the buildings.