TMP Tech hosts Asia Pacific training for TVET trainers, expands offering of customized courses
Monzour Buendía Umali
10+ years of experience in Public Relations and Corporate Communications | Corporate Communications, PR & Sustainability Lead at Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation
Toyota Motor Philippines School of Technology (TMP Tech) recently hosted at its facilities in Santa Rosa City, Laguna a week-long technical training for the representatives of 13 member countries including the Philippines of intergovernmental organization Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician Education (CPSC).
This activity is the second phase of the “Training of Trainers on Automotive Technical Professionals” under a tripartite collaboration among TMP Tech, CPSC, and Toyota Motor Philippines Foundation, Inc. (TMPF) with the aim of upgrading technical-vocational education and training or TVET systems in the Asia and the Pacific region.
Eighteen (18) foreign participants who are TVET experts and trainers flew in from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Fiji, India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. Two (2) Filipino TMP Tech instructors also joined the program.
TMP Tech officers and faculty crafted and conducted the lessons and hands-on sessions on Gasoline and Diesel Engine Control, Electronically Controlled Transmission, Continuously Variable Transmission, and Toyota’s Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) Technology. The fifth day of training concluded with the participant’s study visit at the nearby Toyota Santa Rosa, Laguna for an actual observation of dealership workshop operations.
TVET trainers from 13 nations in the Asia and the Pacific regions undergo hands-on automotive training by TMP Tech instructors.
Prior to the face-to face training, the participants completed the program’s first phase on virtual mode, which TMP Tech also hosted in August 2021. This initial phase focused on the Toyota Way, Toyota’s customer service philosophy, after-sales operations, and technologies.
Under the tripartite collaboration agreement, TMP Tech will continue to provide expertise in enhanced joint activities for TVET, research, cross-country faculty and staff exchange, and human resource development.
In photo (from left) are TMPF operations manager and project coordinator Ronald Gaspar, CPSC director general Dr. Ganemulle Lekamalage Dharmasri Wickramasinghe, TMPF and TMP Tech president Dr. David Go, and CPSC chairman and Pakistan’s Ambassador to the Philippines H.E. Imtiaz A. Kazi during the opening ceremonies of the week-long training of trainers held at a premiere technical institution in Santa Rosa City, Laguna.
Across-the-board: A specialized training provider
Having established its footing as an automotive TVET training and assessment institution in over nine years, TMP Tech continues to develop its potential as a go-to destination for training needs concerning technical to non-technical competencies, hard to soft skills. The School aims at offering an array of trainings that are industry-based, progressive, and inclusive for public organizations and private organizations within and outside the Toyota Network.
TMP Tech currently has specialized courses that cater to and can be further modified to fit the customer’s specific requirements. These include its long to short-term training-to-employment training programs for overseas partners, as well as other short courses such as Automotive Body Collision and Damage Evaluation Training for assessors of insurance companies, and Automotive Servicing for truck and bus companies among others.
Brought about by the early phase of motorization in the country and expansion of related services from the domains of Vehicle Ownership, TMP Tech said the industry-wide demand for trainings is growing. The School added that this is evidenced by its growing number of local and global partners from various sectors.
TMP Tech’s history of offering customized courses traces back to its first strategic partnership with Abdul Latif Jameel Import & Distribution Co. Ltd. (ALJID), an independent Toyota distributor in Saudi Arabia. Through the flagship Specialized Automotive Training Program or STATP and other similar programs designed to produce Toyota Pro-Technicians and Diagnostic Technicians, TMP Tech has successfully enabled employment overseas including Japan for about 300 graduates since 2013.