Arroe Collins
Influencer. Movies, books, television and Podcasting. 1.6 million strong. Mobile DJ LA
My father used to tell me to stop telling people where I've been and what my future plans include. He'd shout, "You're putting too much information out there!" I'm not sure he'd love what we're doing on the internet via social media. There's so much information on the hourly pages that I swear the average person goes through twelve mood swings inside a three minute period. Martial Arts legend Bruce Lee never took notes. Too much information turns your personal experiences into another persons weapons. I'm a total failure in that thought process because of daily writing and taking really good notes at church. Which I don't see as bad but it opens the door for me to spill the beans elsewhere. Putting it out there gives people permission to judge you. Nothing brings down a brilliant idea faster than a heart that couldn't wait to share and somebody beat you to the punch. Or you say something today and in three or four weeks up to a year later it comes back to haunt you. I love transparent but is it safe? Who's holding your closest thoughts and missions? Should you make it so easy for someone to know your story just by tapping into a page? What have you pasted to Facebook that's left you vulnerable? Are we too far in the game to get out of it?