What’s up Kaizenovators, happy Tuesday Two Minute Drill. Today’s topic of conversation is taking the first step. You’ve probably seen a lot of content coming from us recently around our first live event coming up in Washington, DC. May the fifth and sixth this weekend, and it’s really exciting!

There is Never A Good Time??

We have amazing speakers, an awesome attendee list, lots of friends, and lots of app customers. We’re just going to have a blast, learn a lot, share, and grow together. However, that’s not really the purpose of this TMD. This week’s TMD is really about taking the first step.

There’s never a good time to do something for the first time. There are always competing priorities. There’s always something else to do in the things that we’re currently doing. There’s always something to do in the clinics, right? There are always ways to make improvements in the practices for me, there are always ways to improve the technology that we build, and in fact, launching our second product in beta in our clinics right now, there’s a lot to do.

So yes, this live event can be a bit distracting. Doing something new for the first time can be a bit distracting. But the question that I asked myself, that I asked our team, and that I would want you to ask yourself when trying something new is, does it fit your mission, does it align with your values, and does it fit your long-term strategy? If it does, while there’s never a good time to start something new, there’s always a need to do it for the first time.

I want to encourage each of you to think about what is something that you really wanted to do and you haven’t done it yet because you’ve got competing priorities. If it fits in with your strategy, if it fits in with your core values, and if it fits in with your mission find ways to get it done because you’re going to learn a lot. Once you learn that first time, every subsequent time is going to be easier.

So, take that first step!

That’s this week’s Two Minute Drill. Some of you I’m going to see this weekend, can’t wait!!

I’ll talk to y’all next week.

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