Titbits 33: One bite at a time..
Discipline is an ability to do things that you do not like, now, so that you can get to do things that you like, later. Don’t remember where I came across this, but it is so true. How I wish that every time I am posed with a question of what is right and what is easy, I am able to select what is right. Most of the times the easy things are selected instead of right things because they are easy. So, how do you discipline your mind to do the right things, every time, all the time?
Guess, the answer is by making the otherwise difficult things, easy. Break it down to the lowest possible level. Focus only on that smallest portion at hand every time. So, if I want to be a real good swimmer, then I shall focus on the smallest possible things, one at a time, rather than dreaming about mastering various strokes on day one. Things like showing up at the pool every day, take a shower, wear your cap and goggles, breathe in and breathe out, enter the water and so on. Do it to perfection – every time, all the time. And then keep adding things to your list. In other words – Eat the elephant, one bit at the time!