Titanium Rod Rolling Technology!
Baoji Chengjin Titanium Industry Co. LTD

Titanium Rod Rolling Technology!

Titanium bar burnishing is the purpose of grinding parts and abrasives in dilute acid or alkali added with emulsifier (or corrosion inhibitor) with the rotationRoller scale

of the drum, so as to obtain a bright surface. It is suitable for the handling of small parts and difficult to ground and polished parts. Proper selection of tumbling standards can increase productivity and quality.


The shape of the drum

The shape of the drum is circular, hexagonal and octagonal, etc. Among them, the polygonal shape is more practical. This is because the radius of the barrel wall from the shaft is not equal, and there is a certain angle, so the rolling parts are easy to change their orientation, and the chances of bumping each other increase, the grinding is uniform, and the efficiency is high, so that the rolling time can be shortened.

The direct calibration of titanium rod manufacturers is 50mm-100mm, and the length varies according to the number of grids. The length of the first pattern drum is 600-800mm; the second pattern is 800-1500mm. Usually the bigger one is better. This is because the parts are subjected to high pressure and friction in the drum, so the amount of cutting is also increased. But for those parts that are afraid of pressure and deformation, small rollers can be used and the length of the rollers can be increased.

1. Materials for rollers

There is a direct relationship between the rotating speed of the drum and the amount of parts removed within a certain range, that is, the faster the rotating speed, the greater the removal of the metal surface. However, when the speed exceeds a certain upper limit, it will decrease instead. Because when the speed is too fast, the centrifugal force of the parts in the drum increases, which reduces the friction. Usually it is advisable to control at 45r/min.

2. Abrasives and solutions for tumbling

Abrasives for tumbling include pumice, quartz, granite horns, shells, iron filings and ceramic fragments. The size of the abrasive grains should be larger or smaller than each hole of the parts.


The amount of content in the drum is also an important factor affecting the quality of the surface of the parts. The amount of people in the drum is usually 70% of the volume of the drum. For heavier titanium parts or threaded parts, the loading capacity should be controlled at 80%-90%. The solution in the drum should be added to about 95% of the volume of the drum.



