Tit For Tat, Butter For Fat
It was another nippy morning while driving to work, and of course there were some cautionary patches of ice on the side streets which had me feeling like I was driving over washboards. But, at least the sun was shining brightly which offered some warming rays this afternoon.
When I arrived at office, I retuned some emails which had come in over the night, along with disseminating our price reduction on 304 N. Fairview, out into the cyber universe, and as chance would have it, I received a text from a Clear Lake agent, wanting to show it tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully that was a sign we'll be getting some good interest in it, and under contract soon. If I were a young buyer, I'd be jumping on that home in a New York second.
One of my long-time clients called around noontime, asking if he could spare my hands and arms for about a half hour, and only because he was working on a complicated project which needed another person's help. With nothing planned for a good hour, I obliged his request, and off I headed to his workshop. After helping him get a long piece of lumber delicately placed atop another, I proceeded to ask him how he would've done it if I wasn't there to help. He was a bit sassy when saying with a wink, "Oh, I would've figured something out." Yes, he was very appreciative, along with me being glad I was there to assist.
Since I was already out on the east-end, and in need of a few groceries, I stopped out to Hy-Vee East and picked up what I needed, and while in the produce section, I happened to notice they had brussel sprouts, but there was no price to be found, so I decided against them, and only because if they were too pricey, I would've told the checker to set them aside. It's been some years since I've had them, and only because I haven't grown any, and rarely see edible-looking fresh ones in the stores. They really are very good if sliced in half and used in a vegetable stir-fry containing other veggies, including onions and garlic, and when cooked properly, it becomes a meal in itself. We'll see if I have room to plant some in my garden this coming growing season. My mother used to blanch and freeze them for future use, but of course if you don't like cabbage, don't bother buying or planting them.
When I arrived back at office, I opened a can of Progresso soup and had that for lunch. I finally learned a trick with my office microwave, and that being my not having the setting any longer that one minute at a time. So instead of having to clean up the splatting that takes place in my microwave, I just do a random one minute at a time until my soup is hot enough. I wish I'd learned that trick years ago. Today was the fourth time I've done it, and still no splats. Yeah!
After lunch, I placed a few more phone calls, and then followed-up on some additional research, and once everything was off my plate I went back to my cracking walnuts which filled up most of my afternoon hours. What I really enjoy about working on something as mindless and tedious as nut-cracking, is the time I have to think about a number of things which had been pushed back into memory, and mostly because those happenings took place a very many years ago.
The person I was thinking about today, was a dark-minded individual who from the time I got to know her, was always looking for a way to take advantage of others, and since we'd crossed paths enough times over the years, I soon discovered how she'd purposely go after elderly women whom either never married, or were widows with no children. Just thinking about some of the innocent people she duped, got me stirred-up again. There was a time when one of her friends mentioned how she was such a good soul to be looking after a certain elderly lady, and of course wicked me, couldn't help interjecting, "My oh my, isn't it amazing how she manages to find those in need who're financially well-off, but I doubt she's ever offered to take some homeless and/or penniless woman under her wing." My words didn't set well with her friend, and to this day, I don't even care if she told her what I said. Let me tell you, there's more of that going on in our Country, than you could possibly ever imagine. I'm completely all for those who help others, but when it's all about the dollar signs they see in their eyes, it's beyond being even border-line wrong.
Before heading home, I decided to practice the hymns I'm to play at St. Paul Lutheran this Sunday, so back to my piano I went, and managed to get a good session in before it was time to head home. While playing, I was thinking about what it'll be like when seated at their pipe organ with that new pedal lighting I installed. I've got my fingers crossed in hopes my playing will be noticeably better. During some of those dark mornings while up there playing, I couldn't help feeling like I was a cat in the dark, and feeling my way around.
Speaking of cats, I got several good laughs out of a customer and a clerk at Hy-Vee today, and it all started when I overheard the clerk casually telling another about how her boyfriend at the time had done something to her, but she in turn did a turnabout on him, so I interrupted them when saying, "Well, it sounds like the case of, tit for tat, butter for fat, you kill my dog, and I'll kill your cat." They both got a really good laugh out of it, and since neither one of them heard it before, I had to repeat once again, "Tit for tat, butter for fat, you kill my dog, and I'll kill your cat. Too funny, but in reality that's my kind of attitude whenever someone purposely wrongs another, and especially when it's a cold-hearted pre-meditated act. Oh, how well I will continue to remember.
Tonight's One-liner is: Character is the result of two things: mental attitude, and the way in which we spend our time.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2023/01/26/tit-for-tat-butter-for-fat/