‘Tis the Season for Safe Holiday Gatherings

‘Tis the Season for Safe Holiday Gatherings

Holiday festivities are about the gatherings, the decorations, and the food! However, these are very difficult times, and the COVID-19 virus has everyone on edge. Restaurants are doing their part by social distancing table arrangements and servers are wearing protective masks. This is even more challenging in the home environment where it is harder to social distance and wear masks. The current upward infection trend does not see these practices relaxing. Its more important than ever to enjoy the holidays by being safe! If it is possible, congregate out-of-doors (maintaining social distancing); it is the better option.

There is an even safer solution: go virtual! For family and friends who cannot come to your home or a company that cannot arrange an off-site celebration, set up a virtual time for everyone to join in. They can set up their virtual scene with a place setting, share what they have selected for their meal, have a dinner conversation, wear something festive, and end the meal with a virtual toast. In fact, this activity can be recorded to share and reflect on later.

This new virtual way of doing almost everything can be very positive. It also allows you to connect with loved ones who are infirmed or elderly when they cannot leave the hospital or a care facility; no one needs to be left out. Just equip them with a tablet or other mobile device as a holiday gift or set up an iPhone or Android video messaging app. You might also consider hooking up to your wide screen TV to display an even larger gallery of family and friends, and don’t forget going virtual also gives you a global reach. I have been participating in several virtual meetings and happy hours—even a global dining event whereby we order a recommended carryout and learn about a different ethnic cuisine each month. I am meeting people from all over the world!

If not virtual, the following tips will guide you when gathering at someone’s home or at a favorite—anytime, anywhere.

Visit Success Profiles Magazine, “Tis the Season for Safe Holiday Gatherings” (pages 30 to 32 for tips on the following:

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Home Holiday Table: There is no bigger honor than to be invited to someone’s home for dinner. This is a great time to bring back some formality by setting a captivating holiday table for your family, friends, and/or clients to enjoy.

First, decide the level of formality. Then, create the tablescape. (A "tablescape" combines your table's centerpiece, overall decor, and place settings.)

The article tips will help you set the perfect table.


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Company Holiday Banquet: A company holiday banquet is a great way to show appreciation for employees, strengthen bonds between business associates or partners and enjoy the spirit of the holiday season. Banquets involve a per-plate charge that covers a preplanned menu, logistics, and entertainment. They are either hosted by one company or by an association or university event with sponsors. When several sponsors are involved, sponsorship tables are reserved. Reservations are required and should be honored.

The article tips will share what to do and what NOT to do at company banquets.

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Potluck Style and Buffet Lines: The easiest way to entertain is with the buffet line made up of an assortment of selections. You do not have to worry about one’s food restrictions. Family and friends bring and share their favorite dish pot-luck style. Restaurants’ buffets are replenished so the host does not have to worry about running out of food and restaging.

If you are ever confused with potluck and buffet lines, the article tips will unravel the confusion.

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The Toast: Toasting is a gift to be shared with everyone. Common practices have deviated from traditional toasting protocols for reasons of convenience or lack of protocol knowledge; however, knowing the proper toasting protocol adds a special elegance. There are three proper times to toast.

The article shares celebration toasting tips that honor toasting protocols

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Visit Success Profiles Magazine, “Tis the Season for Safe Holiday Gatherings” (pages 30 to 32 for the complete article.

 I am a Contributing Columnist for “Success Profiles Magazine”. Click here to view past issues. I hope you find my columns to be informational and inspirational.

More entertaining details and tips are in "The Art of Professional Connections: Dining Strategies for Building and Sustaining Business Relationships" and "Event Strategies for Successful Business Entertaining"

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Gloria Petersen, founder and president of Global Protocol Academy, LLC, is an author, trainer, and speaker on Professional Presence, Business Etiquette and Protocol. Her four-book series, “The Art of Professional Connections” and SME training modules represent her 30+ year legacy. Gloria is currently working on her fifth book, which guides you on how to land on your feet no matter what by turning obstacles into opportunities! For information about her seminars, training, and books, visit GloriaPetersen.com, globalprotocolacademy.com, artofprofessionalconnections.com or email her directly: [email protected].

If you are interested in working with me through coaching or utilizing my expertise and guidance in webinar training, please contact me at [email protected] . We will work out a plan that best works with your schedule and goals. In the meantime, be safe and well.



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