Tiroler Rohre Gmbh in Kronstadt
Sorin-Auras Gheorghe
Foreign Business Expert for Romania and Moldova at Tiroler Rohre GmbH
TIROLER ROHRE GMBH is making history in KRONSTADT (Bra?ov) as we are replacing oak pipes from 1900 and cast iron pipes from 1920 used for drinking water with our last technology in water supply TRM ductile iron blue pipes with a proven lifetime of 150 years.The project in Brasov started in 2019 and will end in 2020 with a success?ful cooperation between TRM , local authorities and a experienced building company. We are ready for the next projects in Romania and Moldova with our 70 years proved experience in water sector in all the word.Our applications on water,waste water,snow-making,extinguishing fire systems,bridge pipes,open-air pipes,water crossings and trenchless installation cover all the fields that can use ductile iron pipes as a quality long lasting products.