Let us say that you are in a Job or Career that you don’t like. You know you need and want a change. You know you would like to do something you enjoy but you have no clue what that could be. So how do you ‘figure out’ what you really must pursue? He he, the answer does not lie in the ‘Process’ of trying to decipher this but lies in getting in touch and really listening to our inner selves or hearts and our soul. I am not exaggerating but many people really listen to themselves for the first time when they start coaching with me. “Figuring out" indicated towards a scientific or mental process or an approach - and that is perhaps why so many people end up in jobs or careers that suck. We are forever trying concentrate on our "shoulds" however, what we need to do is to use a wee bit of a different approach. We need to understand who we are. what we truly like or don't like and what we truly desire. ‘Likes’ and ‘Desires’ need to come before the opinions of our minds. When we let go of the "shoulds" we create the space for “our loves” to come to the surface.
I was also in such a situation where you might be now: lost and clueless. While I am ready to take the risk of this not resonating with everyone, I’d love to share that what helped me most to find my way was look deep inside myself. That opened the door to uncovering what brings me joy.
One of the many things that could help you to connect with yourself, find what excites you and get clarity on what you want is to take a look at your thinking; specifically, all the “shoulds” you might be telling yourself. Since birth, most of us are taught what should be done, at the cost of our desires. I too, for long had shoved aside what I really wanted to do. Slowly and slowly, while doing this, I lost touch with my true inner desires. My desires got buried inside my heart and stopped talking to me. In fact, if and when someone ever asked me to think of my dream role, I just couldn’t and all I could say was “I don’t know!” I had started to sound helpless! And to top it all, my “shoulds” started to sound like the “bestest” thing to do.
Little did I know that the castle I was building was flimsy, frail and crumbling. I started to feel sorry for myself and externalized the probelms. I was continuing and playing along, pretending that all was fine but one day I broke down. I needed to change the way I was working. Of course, that started my journey of becoming a coach but I am glad that drastic meltdown happened and shook me up to the core.
That is when I made a list of my “shoulds” against my “desires and wants and even thrills”. Then slowly and slowly I started to cut away with a pair of scissors those “shoulds” that were causing all negativity and started making flowers and leaves around my “inner desires”. Then with every desire I put a date and time by when I would start with that. That made me feel gutsy and I started put dates when I would stop doing the “shoulds”. Today I have been 50% successful. I have started to action a lot of desires and have already put an end to many “shoulds” though a few are still there and may take some more time. I am not sure if I can iron out the rest but I am very very very happy and excited. My journey towards happiness had begun and my aim to help atleast 500 professionals begin this kind of happiness this year. So, incase your professional dreams are suppressed or you feel that they are not there, and you are uneasy, sad, and demotivated, please do ping me for help! I also conduct a complimentary webinar where I share the way in which I help people reach their dream careers and jobs. Click the link below if you wish to attend and if you have already registered start dreaming of the thrills of your dream career coz “ab who sapna door naheen.”
CLICK : https://renuliveft2djwebinar521.lpages.co/training
Renu Khanna
The 120 day Career & Growth Coach
CEO & Founder – Academy for Progressive Leaps